Minggu, 25 Januari 2015

California Gourmet: Flavored Syrups

Flavored syrups made from California native and garden fruits


can use them on pancakes or drizzle them on deserts.  They make refreshing beverages and can even
be used to make cookies and pies.  One of
the handiest uses for California native fruits and berries is flavored

why discuss syrups in January, when fruits mostly ripen in summer or fall?   First,
there’s still time to plant native berry and tea plants this year. Perhaps this
posting will inspire you.   Second, syrups
are particularly useful right now, when fresh fruits – at least those from home
gardens – are scarce. 

third reason is that some syrups can be made right now.   Fruits/berries
are the most common flavoring agents; but syrups can be made from anything used
to make a natural tea as well.   If you love mint tea – and your mint patch is
flourishing – now might be a good time to make mint flavored syrup.

have been perfect for Hummingbird sage this winter (see
You may be enjoying fresh tea and drying leaves for later use.  You might also make a batch of Hummingbird
sage syrup.  It’s easy, cheap and a
wonderful treat that can be used in many ways. We’ll post recipes featuring
flavored syrups in the next few months.

syrups are essentially ‘simple syrups’ made with fruit juice or natural
tea.  You can make as much or as little
as you want; and you can use them immediately or process them (like you would
jelly) for future use.   The flavors are unique to your garden –
whether you make syrup from plums or nectarines or from the native fruits.  The syrups make unique and wonderful gifts.


Making the juice/tea

main ingredient is either juice or natural tea.   You can make juice from just about any
fruit: berries, grapes, strawberries, stone fruits, citrus, manzanita fruits,
etc.  Just wash the fruits, cut and
remove the pit (from stone fruits) or slice the citrus thinly.  Place fruit in a saucepan/pot and barely
cover with water. 

to a near-boil; then let the mixture simmer for about 20 minutes.  The liquid should be colored and
well-flavored; smaller fruits will have burst their skins.  Remove from the heat, let cool slightly, then
strain out the pulp/seeds.  Use a jelly bag
or line a sieve with several layers of cheese cloth.  The resulting ‘juice’ should be colored but
relatively clear, with no visible particles.

If using
natural tea, follow the instructions on making tea from our June, 2012 posting
).  You might want to make the tea a
little stronger than normal if using it for syrup-making.


Flavored Syrup

1 cup
prepared juice or tea

1 to 2
cups sugar

Other flavorings
(optional): lemon juice; cinnamon (stick); other spices


can make this syrup in any amount – just use equal amounts of sugar and
juice.  A thicker syrup (good on pancakes
or desserts) can be made by increasing the sugar up to a 1 to 2 ratio of
juice/tea to sugar (e.g., one cup juice to 2 cups sugar).  Experiment to get the consistency and flavor
combination you prefer.   You can also
combine several types of juice/tea if desired.

sugar, juice and spices (optional) in a heavy saucepan.  Simmer over medium heat until mixture
boils.  Lower heat and continue to simmer
5 additional minutes.  Remove from

syrup with a boiling water bath* (as for jelly) if you want to store the syrup
for up to a year.  Or cool and store in a
sealed glass jar in the refrigerator for up to a month.  




A good way to preserve syrups is by canning them, using the sterilizing effects
of heat.  This time honored method allows
you to store syrups, in canning jars, at room temperature.   You need to be sure that you follow recommended
methods exactly to insure that your food is canned safely

you’re new to preserving using a boiling water bath, we suggest reading a good
basic reference on home canning. A classic reference book is the Ball Blue Book Guide To Preserving.
good on-line resources are:




We encourage you to send us your
questions, comments and recipes (either comment below or e-mail to us at :




Jumat, 09 Januari 2015

Ultra modern Italian Furniture design for living room By B & B

Ultra Modern Italian furniture design today bears the name rightly B & B. The famous Italian company was founded in the 60s and since 1966 is one of the world's leading manufacturer of modern furniture. B & B today leads the development of Italian furniture design.

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The company, which is located near Milan, provides elegant minimalist designer furniture for any home or for any public space. Modern Italian furniture design associated with robustness, the highest quality of materials and functionality, easy maintenance and cutting edge design. The designers of B & B have leading-edge design concepts for radically modern styling of the interior.

Italian furniture design for living room

Modern Italian furniture design in red color for living room
The ultra Modern Italian furniture design is characterized by elegance, in other words through timeless design . A company's success is based on their ability to plan for the future and to implement innovative ideas and effective solutions to connect with stylish aesthetics with leading technology. B & B Italia is proud of their identity and their ability to keep up with changing fashion, culture and lifestyle in balance. Each  piece of Italian furniture design is unique and sensational.

Italian furniture design for living room, Modern chair and wall units
Living room Italian furniture design in modern style
Italian furniture design for living room, Modern chair and wall units
The general science eral and technical research helped the designers here to create a modern and innovative design concept means. All furniture pieces are practical and functional. The Italian furniture design by B & B combines high-quality materials, an avant-garde design, bright colors and an elegant style with each other.

Modern Italian furniture design ideas for storage space in living room

Modern Italian furniture design: chair and armchair

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Ultra Modern Italian Furniture Design can of course also gives the perfect relaxation. streamlined armchairs, comfortable chairs, dining tables and side tables with minimalist appearance are just one part of the whole furniture diversity. Optimize relaxation and space are the main objectives of the projects. For a higher level of contemporary Italian furniture design could be the striking Accessories of B & B decorate the modern apartment.

Ultra modern Italian furniture design, elegant and comfortable chair
Modern Italian furniture design, comfortable colorful armchairs 
Italian furniture design, modern elegant chairs
Italian furniture design, modern elegant chairs

Italian furniture design, black chairs in minimalist style

Plant of the Month (January) : Munz’ sage – Salvia munzii

Munz' sage (Salvia munzii) in Mother Nature's Backyard garden

can be an interesting month in Southern California gardens.  Sometimes the weather is cold and rainy –
almost continually.  And sometimes we
have periods of almost summer-like conditions. 
This January is starting out to be a warm one.  Much to our surprise, the earliest blooming
of our sages, Salvia munzii, is
already flowering.

Sage, also known as San Diego sage and San Miguel Mountain sage, is endemic to
the San Miguel Mountains in southernmost San Diego County and  bordering northern Baja California, Mexico.
This region, which includes the well-known Otay Mountain, is home to many
interesting plants known for their drought tolerance.  Munz’ sage grows in both the Chaparral (higher elevations) and Diegan Sage Scrub plant
communities.   Because it occurs in such a limited region,
the California Native Plant Society has placed Munz’ sage on its Rare and
Endangered Plants list (listed as ‘
endangered in California’ due to limited range and possible threats to habitat)

Munz’ sage was named in honor of Philip Alexander Munz
(1892-1974), professor of botany at Pomona College and researcher at the Rancho
Santa Ana Botanic Garden.  He is best
known for his books including A Flora of Southern California and a
popular series of wildflower books (California Mountain Wildflowers, California
Desert Wildflowers
, California Spring Wildflowers and Shore
Wildflowers of California, Oregon and Washington
).  These books are still
treasured by plant lovers, even though the original editions have long been out
of print.  The University of California
Press has released revised editions of these classics in the past decade.

sage is a Salvia (Sage), a genus that includes many aromatic plants.  Salvia
is the largest genus in the mint family, with over a thousand species
world-wide.   At least 17 Salvia species are native to California,
many to the southern part of the state. The genus name derives from the Latin
salvere (to heal or be healthy), alluding to the healing properties
of the genus.  Salvias are prized as
ornamental plants - or for their culinary and medicinal properties - in gardens
throughout the world.


Salvia munzii: growth habit


the California shrubby Salvias, Munz’ sage is one of the more petite.  In our experience it rarely grows to more
than 3-4 ft tall and wide, though some growers (primarily those from moister
climates) list it as growing to 6 feet. 
In its growth form, Salvia munzii most closely resembles the
Cleveland Sage (Salvia clevelandii), another native with a nice, mounded
shape and rather slender, open branches.   While
sometimes described as similar to Black sage (Salvia mellifera), in our
eyes Munz’ sage appears quite delicate compared to the robust – even chunky –
appearance of Black sage. 
The bark of younger stems is red –
also like Cleveland sage – becoming gray with age. 


Munz' sage (Salvia munzii): spring leaves

leaves of Munz’ sage are smaller than other local sages (~ 1 inch or less) and  medium green to gray-green in color (see
above).  Like many sages, the leaves are mostly
oblong to lance-shaped.  They have a
crinkled ‘pebbly’ surface (like Black sage) and are very aromatic.  The scent is probably closest to that of
Cleveland sage – with perhaps a hint of Black sage thrown in for good
measure.   In our opinion, Munz’ sage has
the nicest scent/flavor of any of the California sages.  Fresh or dried, we use it routinely as a
seasoning herb and in potpourri, sachets etc. 
In fact, one of the more compelling reasons to grow it is to have a ready
source of the aromatic leaves.


addition to the straight species, several cultivars are available from native
plant nurseries.  The cultivar

'Baja Blue'
has lovely lavender
flowers and is garden hardy.  It grows to
3-6 ft. tall and wide
.  Salvia
'Emerald Cascade'
a short cultivar (1-3 ft tall) with a mounding growth habit (to 4-5 ft
wide).  It was also selected for its
ability to grow well in local gardens.

Salvia munzii in Spring

other local Sages,
Salvia munzii
produces two sets of leaves a year.  The
larger, greener ‘wet season leaves’ (above) are produced in winter/early
spring.  As the plants dry out in early
summer, they drop the wet season leaves - alarming the first time you see it in
your garden!  They then produce a set of
smaller, grayer leaves to get them through the summer and fall (see
below).   You can delay the summer leaf
drop by giving the plants a little summer water.  But ultimately native Salvias need to dry
out.  So learn to treasure their
different – but lovely – appearance in fall.


Salvia munzii in fall


sage is the earliest blooming Salvia in our garden, often by several months.  The species begins flowering as early as
February in lower S. California elevations and may continue until April or
so.  This year, the first blooms appeared
in late December, surprising us all.  Were
it not for the visits of eager hummingbirds, we might have missed the early
flowers entirely.

The flowers
Salvia munzii are
characteristic of the genus - and of the Mint family in general.  Flowers are small, tubular (formed from fused
petals) with distinctive ‘lips’ (see below). 
The flowers are arranged in ball-like whorls around the upright
flowering stems.  In Mother Nature’s
Backyard, the flowering stalks are significantly taller than the foliage.  When the plants are mature they should be
showy indeed!


Munz' sage (Salvia munzii): flowers


flowers are a clear pale blue or violet – occasionally almost white – and
sweetly scented.  They are similar in
appearance to those of Black sage, but smaller and usually more brightly
colored (Black sage flowers are often almost white, at least locally).   Hummingbirds
are frequent visitors, but
butterflies, bees and other insects
also collect nectar from the flowers. Pollination is probably due to the
actions of hummingbirds and large bees.  Songbirds,
lizards and other small wildlife use the shrubs for cover.   All things considered,
is a fairly good habitat

Sage is one of the easier native Salvias to include in a home garden.  It likes full sun, but does fine with a
little shade.  In Mother Nature’s
Backyard, the area is rather shady in winter, but quite sunny in summer, when
the sun is higher in the sky.  While it
likes a well-drained soil, Munz’ sage can be grown in soils from sandy to
clay.  If you’re worried about drainage,
plant it on a low berm (1 ft. high is adequate) to increase the drainage. 

other native S. California Salvias,
Salvia munzii is drought tolerant.   It can
take quite dry conditions (water perhaps once a summer) if you don’t mind the
dry appearance.   It does, however, hail
from a region that gets occasional summer rain, in the form of the summer
monsoons.  So it can take a little summer
water, making it easier to garden with than the truly dry species like White sage.

the first summer, we recommend occasional summer water – perhaps once every 3-4
weeks in sandy soils or several times per summer in clays.  Be sure to water deeply and let the ground
dry out (to at least 4-6 inches below the surface) between waterings.  Taper off the water in September to give
plants a dormant period.  This water regimen
provides a good compromise between garden aesthetics and plant health.   If you water more frequently, you’ll likely
shorten your salvia’s life.

Salvias look their best with a yearly pruning, beginning with the first fall
(in other words, after at least 6-9 months in the ground).   Some prefer
to prune soon after Salvias complete their blooming – often in late spring or
summer.  This   encourages
Salvias to produce a second, fall flowering, which may be desired.   But we
delay pruning until late fall for several reasons.   First, birds can eat the seeds if seed
capsules are left on the plant.  Second, you
avoid plant stress by pruning during the cooler weather. 

third, practical reason involves the pruning itself; if you wait until plants
begin to re-leaf in late fall/early winter it’s easier to remove just the right
amount. The aim is to prune back enough to control shape, but not so much that you’re
cutting back into the older, non-sprouting wood.  It’s important to prune each branch back to a
point that retains 3-4 sets of new leaves.
  Delaying pruning until plants are just
beginning to re-leaf makes pruning Salvias easy.   And if
you live in S. California, there will always be a dry spell in November/December
that’s perfect for pruning Salvias.

Salvia munzii (Munz' sage) blooming in Mother Nature's

 Backyard garden: Gardena, California - 2014

sage is a lovely addition to the sustainable S. California garden.   It provides early flowers, a nice shape and
interesting foliage.   Its small size makes
it appropriate for sites that can’t accommodate the larger native Salvias.  This is  probably also the best native sage to grow in
a large pot.  

sage does fine on sunny slopes and looks lovely planted with other Salvias and native
buckwheats.   It’s a good habitat plant and a great addition
to scented and culinary gardens.  The
only word of caution applies to those whose gardens are within two miles of stands
of native Salvias.  Salvias, including
Munz’ sage and many others, interbreed between species, producing hybrid plants.  If you live within bee’s flight distance of
native Salvias, the California Native plant Society recommends planting only the local native species and,
ideally, those produced from local seed sources.  That’s the responsible – and sustainable –
thing to do.


For a
gardening information sheet see:

For plant
information sheets on other native plants see:



welcome your comments (below).  You can
also send your questions to:

Selasa, 06 Januari 2015

Creative 3D DIY bookshelves in the form of letters

The young Italian architect Giulia Bortolotti and Lucio Leone who are currently living in New York City and work, presenting us their latest project from 3D DIY bookshelves in the form of wooden letters. This DIY bookshelves project can be applied in many areas of daily life. For example, the following composition of letters gives the word "BOOK" and to serve as bookshelves. The letters are handmade by skilled craftsmen and artisans and are finished with water-based paint.

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Wooden DIY books in the form of book word
handmade wooden bookshelves letter shaped, DIY bookshelves
DIY bookshelves letter shaped made of wood
wooden DIY bookshelves for book storage letter shaped

Senin, 05 Januari 2015

False ceiling design with decorative ceiling lights in Brazilian apartent

An apartment in Brazil with new light - with creative false ceiling design with decorative ceiling lights. The modern living room concept was designed by the Brazilian architect Gisele Taranto, in collaboration with Vanda Klabin and lighting experts Maneco Quindere.

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Located in a residential building in Barra da Tijuca, a residential neighborhood in the western part of Rio de Janeiro, the penthouse is the new home of a young couple. The Gisele Taranto architects tried to make an open living space with seamless transition between inside and outside. led ceiling lights The richly glazed facade opens the apartment to the balcony, while wood panels to shield him and offer privacy. Ceiling windows flood the bathroom with light. The eclectic mix of modern and old furniture forms a homely atmosphere. Natural materials such as wood are skillfully combined with metal. The focus of the design, however, is the ceiling design with recessed lighting in the bedroom. The concrete slabs are in contrast to the warm wood color of the soil. The subtle false ceiling lights creates a cozy atmosphere and relaxes the senses. Also in the hallway and living room ceiling lights and lamps are mounted directly to the living room false ceiling. This saves space and adds the facility in the industrial style of living.

False ceiling design, decorative ceiling lights

false ceiling design with decorative lighting for bedroom
Anyone interested in this false ceiling design with recessed hidden ceiling lights decides must in any case be expected that many additional lighting sources are needed. Modern and stylish floor lamps accents in the interior and emphasize the decoration, wall decoration and furniture. Paintings and works of art decorate the walls and leave the apartment cozy and inviting,.

decorative bedroom ceiling lights in false ceiling design
decorative bedroom ceiling lights in false ceiling design

bedroom false ceiling design, decorative ceiling lights
bedroom false ceiling design, decorative ceiling lights

Minggu, 04 Januari 2015

Stylish wood ceiling panels, collection from Hunted Douglas

Innovative wood ceiling panels from Hunter Douglas are the ideal solution if you want to make stylish wood ceiling designs and modern and is based on a natural look. The panels are ideal for false ceilings , but may be due to their different sizes and shapes can also find other locations and applications.

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Decorative wood ceiling panels and tiles

These wood ceiling panels are characterized by high flexibility, excellent acoustic and fire retardant properties and thermal insulation and provide increased comfort and distinctive ambiance design.

wood ceiling panels
beautiful wood ceiling panels for false ceilings with built-in ceiling spotlights
Hunter Douglas offers a wide range of design elements for walls and ceilings. The American company has over 80 years experience in the manufacture and development of window coverings, ceilings, sun protection systems and facades for private, industrial and public use. ind these cool wood ceiling panels are just an example

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wood ceiling panels
simple wood ceiling panels in shape of tiles
The wooden elements in the form of wood ceiling tiles are easy to install and guarantee naturalness and ease of care, their special and diverse surface structures reinforce the authentic action and let artistically challenging environments arise. wood ceiling panels

wood ceiling panels
Decorative wood ceiling panels from Hunted Douglas
wood ceiling panels
artistic wood ceiling panels, acoustic and fire retardant
wood ceiling panels
Wood ceiling panels for irregular ceiling designs 

Sabtu, 03 Januari 2015

20 Comfortable living room color schemes and paint color ideas

The living room is the room where you normally receives guests in their free time. Nowadays it is a luxury to make the living room design in a separate room. If you subscribe to this living room at home, we offer interior design ideas and living room color schemes and paint color ideas.

We recently shared: 22 Cool living room lighting ideas and ceiling lights

Living room color schemes, living room paint color ideas

vintage living room paint color ideas, bright blue walls and textile patterns
It is very important for living room color schemes to choose the main color and the color accents and to combine them appropriately. The modern trend in living room paint colors are the interior design in black and white color schemes. Silver Ornaments and patterns are another alternative. As a whole, you have more freedom of choice.

classic living room color schemes, green wall paint, gray furniture
white living room color schemes, white walls and pink decorations
bright living room color schemes, white living room design and pale blue decorations
bright living room color schemes, white living room design and pale blue decorations

living room paint color ideas, gray wall paint and black furniture
Brown and beige shade are still very suitable for the living room color schemes. You can paint the living room walls in Cappuccino color and lay a brown flooring. Adjust still on the color of the doors and windows. Combine this living room color scheme with white upholstery and dark coffee table. How to Find the sand, peach, Champagne and coral colors? The walls are brighter than the floor covering work, so that creates an interesting contrast. The carpets in lighter colors can be easily cleaned. Combine this with all home furnishings in the room. creative living room color schemes.

luxury living room color schemes, beige design with touch of turquoise
luxury living room color scheme ideas, lime green walls, black furniture
Create the living room color scheme in such a way that it works quite comfortable and aesthetically arranged.

light living room color schemes in modern style
warm living room paint color ideas, dark gray walls and furniture
warm living room paint color ideas, dark gray walls and furniture, vintage green pillows and side table

popular living room paint color ideas, purple walls and white furniture
modern living room color schemes, furniture in white, turquoise, orange