Rabu, 11 November 2015

Plant of the Month (November) : Big (Bracted) Gumplant – Grindelia camporum

Big gumplant (Grindelia camporum)


an unusual year!   Hot and dry – rains in
summer; it’s no wonder plants are blooming at unexpected times.  Among the species that keep on flowering are
the fall-blooming sunflowers. For example, the Big gumplant (Grindelia camporum) in Mother Nature’s
Garden of Health has bloomed off and on from June to now.

(Bracted) gumplant has many common names, among them California gum plant,
Giant gum plant, Field gumweed, Bracted gumweed, Grindelia, Hardy grindelia,
Rosin weed and Scaly grindelia.   To add
to the confusion, the local variant (formerly known as var. bracteosa) is also known by several
previous scientific names:
Grindelia robusta var. bracteosa and Grindelia
var. robusta.  At
any rate, we’ll leave it at ‘Big gumplant’, since that name describes it so well.

There is even debate about whether Grindelia
deserves its
own taxon. Some advocate lumping it with several other California gumplants
into the broader
Grindelia hirsutula 
Hook. & Arn.   The
Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)
lumps; the USDA Plants Database, Jepson Manual and
Calflora still accord it species status. 
For this posting, we’ll side with the splitters.  We’ve grown both Grindelia camporum and G.
in the garden.  And while
they have their similarities, the two (at least those available in the local
horticultural trade) look and behave somewhat differently in the garden.

Big gum plant is native to North, Central and
Southern California as well as Baja California, Mexico.  In Southern California it grows along the
coast, in the Coastal and Transverse Ranges, and in the Peninsular Ranges of
California and Baja California.  Locally,
it grows in the Santa Monica Mountains and once did in the seasonal wetlands
near Long Beach, the Dominguez Hills and the Palos Verdes Peninsula (including the
San Pedro/Los Angeles Harbor area).

Big gum plant grows most often in seasonally moist
areas: along roadsides, in arroyos and washes, along seasonal streams/wetlands and
other places that get a little extra winter water.  It’s a member of several lower elevation
plant communities, including the
and coastal sage scrub, occurring at elevations from near sea level to about
4000 feet (1200 m.).  The local soils are
primarily alluvial – either sandy or clay – and may be saline and alkaline
along the coast. 

Big gumplant (Grindelia camporum): a robust



Grindelia camporum is a drought-deciduous, herbaceous
perennial or part-woody sub-shrub.  It quickly
grows to 2-4 feet (about 1 m.) tall and about as wide. It spreads via both
rhizomes and seed, and will fill in bare patches in the garden.   It has stout, erect stems that become woody
at the base with age.

entire plant has a robust appearance; if you need a more delicate appearing
gumplant, try Grindelia hirsutula.  Young stems are quite erect, but they tend to
lean as the season progresses.  The stems
are thick – almost succulent – and are smooth and somewhat sticky with resinous


Big gumplant (Grindelia camporum) - foliage


leaves are medium green, alternate and clasp the stem.  They are thick, leathery and quite sticky.
Foliage and flowers all have a strong, distinctive, resin-like aroma.  You’ll get to know this fragrance well as you
handle the plants.  We like the scent,
but some probably don’t; smell the plant before purchasing it.   The basal leaves are largest (to 6 or 7
inches), oblong and usually sharply toothed. 
Leaves become smaller – and more elongated – further up the stem. 


Big gumplant (Grindelia camporum): mature and

 immature floral heads


gardeners love Big gumplant because of the flowers.  A member of the Sunflower family, Grindelia camporum produces flowers in
typical ‘sunflower heads’.  The flower
heads are of medium size (one to 1 ½ inches across), with about 25 bright
yellow ray flowers (the ‘petals’) and numerous yellow disk flowers in the
center.  The flowers are decorative as
only sunflowers can be.


Big gumplant (Grindelia camporum): white 'gum' covers

 immature flowers


floral characteristics differentiate the Grindelias from other sunflowers.  First, they produce a gummy white substance
that likely protects immature flowers from disease/predation. You can see the
gum in the picture above; it disappears as the flowers mature.   This
‘gum’ was reportedly chewed by children as a gum substitute in previous
eras.  We’ve tried it and concluded it
was probably chewed for pleasure only by pretty desperate kids!  It was
chewed as a medicinal gum (more on that below).

Big gumplant (Grindelia camporum): note distinctive phyllaries


second unusual feature of Gumplant flowers are the green bracts surrounding the
flower head – the phyllaries.  These are particularly showy in the Gumplants,
and can sometimes be used to distinguish between gumplant species.  The
of Big gumplant are flattened at the base, but cylindrical and hooked at the
tip (see photo above).  The phyllaries
bend out in this species, forming a distinctive ‘cup’ below the flower head.

Big gumplant (Grindelia camporum) spreads via rhizomes.

 Here it's re-sprouting after pruning


Big gumplant begins blooming in late spring (May) and can continue
well into the fall (October or even November this year).  In drier local gardens – and in the wild –
this species often loses its leaves and even dies back entirely in summer.  If rains occur in summer or early fall, the
plants may green up and bloom again in fall. 
That’s what they did in our garden this year.

The gumplants, like sunflowers in general, are insect
pollinated.  They attract a wide range of
pollinating insects including native bees, European honeybees, pollinator flies/wasps
and butterflies.   In general, gumplants
are good all-round insect plants; many gardeners use them for just that
reason.   The seeds are small and
distributed by wind – if not eaten by hungry birds.  The plants may move around the garden via new
seedlings planted by Mother Nature.


Metallic Green Been on Big gumplant (Grindelia camporum)

 In our gardens, Big gumplant looks good for 4-5 years, then either
dies out or is ready to be replaced. 
Fortunately, it is easy to propagate from seed.  Collect fresh, dry seed in summer; plant in
recycled nursery containers in late fall, and you’ll have replacement plants by
next spring.  Remember to just barely
cover the seeds with potting soil – they need light to germinate.

Seeds of Big gumplant (Grindelia camporum) can be collected

 when dry.


You can also easily propagate from stem cuttings in summer.  Just stick 12 inch, semi-woody cuttings into
one-gallon pots (we stick up to 6 per pot; insert about 6 inches deep). Keep
the soil moist, then wait for the cuttings to leaf out and produce roots.  Not all will take, but at least several should
do well.

Grindelia camporum is a facultative wetland plant in
California; it usually grows at wetland margins or other seasonally moist areas.  So, this plant needs good winter/spring rains
to establish and succeed.  If Mother
Nature doesn’t provide, you’ll have to do the honors.  Once established, Big gumplant plant is quite
drought tolerant.  If you don’t mind the
summer die-back, water only occasionally (or not at all).  You can
get by with watering it once or twice a month in very well-drained soils.  In clays, summer water appears to decrease
the plant’s life-span.

gumplant tolerates a wide range of soil textures.  We’ve grown it at both extremes; the only
difference is the need to limit summer water in the clays.  Plants even tolerate the salty, alkali soils
sometimes found right along the coast. 
They like full sun and will become leggy otherwise. 

they look better if cut back to about 12-15 inches when they go dormant.  Some cut them back in summer (they do look a
little ratty); others wait to prune in fall. 
Those in moister, colder climates (where gumplants are winter-dormant)
may want to cut back in early spring. 
That’s really all the management these plants need.


Two native Longhorned Bees on Big gumplant

 (Grindelia camporum)


gumplant is routinely planted in habitat gardens in western Los Angeles County.
It provides nectar/pollen for insects and seeds for the birds.   It looks great with other local water-wise
natives including the bunch grasses, sub-shrubs (particularly the native
Buckwheats and Salvias) and larger chaparral shrubs.  Just remember, this is a large,
robust-appearing plant - place accordingly.  The cheerful yellow flowers and fresh scent
make it a nice addition to many gardens.  The flowers contrast beautifully with the
spring penstemons and fall asters.  Some
gardeners even grow Big gumplant in their herb or medicinal garden.


Big gumplant (Grindelia camporum): 'El Rincon' garden,

South Coast Botanic Garden


Grindelias, and Grindelia camporum in
particular, have a long history of use as medicinal plants.  In fact the genus name honors David
Hieronymous Grindel (1776-1836), a German pharmacologist, physician and
professor of botany at Riga, Estonia.  Native Californians traditionally used Big
gumplant both externally (as a poultice or infusion) and internally (as an
infusion - or gum chewed as a remedy for sore throat). 

poultice made from fresh flowers and/or foliage or an infusion of the dried plant
is applied to skin rashes, minor burns, eczema, dermatitis and other superficial
skin conditions. This external use – along with appropriate antibiotic creams
if needed – may provide relief by numbing the nerve ends. We’ll discuss how to
make and use poultices later this month. 

gumplant has also been used as an infusion (tea) and tincture to treat
conditions associated with excess respiratory mucous: bronchitis, coughs and
bronchial asthma.  It was used as a
homeopathic medicine in the U.S. and Europe until the 1960’s, when the U.S. FDA
required such products be formally tested for safety and efficacy.

Grindelia tinctures can still be purchased on-line, the needed clinical trials
have yet to be conducted.  Several
smaller studies suggest that this medicinal should be used with caution, and should
not be used at all by patients who are pregnant or breast-feeding, or have
kidney disease, hypertension or heart conditions
.  Those aged 55 and older need be particularly
since kidney function decreases with age, and many of the
active chemicals are excreted in the urine.

Grindelia camporum produces a wide range of plant
chemicals including
grindelane diterpenoids, balsamic resin, volatile oils, other
terpenoids, saponins and many others. 
The exact modes of action for most of these chemicals are currently
unknown.  However, Grindelia camporum extracts appear to slow heart rate, decrease
mucous production, and decrease inflammation both by blocking nerve endings and
possibly acting as an antibiotic.  

research may support a role for this plant (or specific chemicals) in the
treatment of asthma and other conditions. 
But for now, if you choose to take this medicine internally, do so with proper
   Some combination of the chemicals is known to
interact with common medications for hypertension (high blood pressure), with
diuretics, and possibly with other medications.  You should never use this medicine without
first consulting your doctor
.   To
read more about Big gumplant as a medicinal, see references 1-4, below.  For more on making tinctures see:

addition to its medicinal properties, Grindelia
produces other potentially useful chemicals.  The resin (diterpene resin acids) produced by
the foliage glands has qualities similar to wood rosin, a product with many
manufacturing uses (adhesives, rubber, coatings, textile sizing, dyes and more).
 The Grindelic resins are currently being
evaluated as cost-effective wood rosin substitutes.  And if you are a natural dyer, the flowers
and foliage produce lovely, color-fast yellow and green dyes. For more on
natural dyes see:

summary, Big gumplant is a robust perennial sunflower with excellent habitat
value.  It is easy to grow, requiring
little care and not much water.  The
flowers are lovely and attract a parade of interesting insects. The blooms are particularly
attractive when contrasted with the purple flowers of the Salvias.  The plants have useful properties, including
use as medicinals and dye plants.  We
hope you’ll consider Big gumplant when you need a local sub-shrub.

Big gumplant (Grindelia camporum) in spring garden:

Madrona Marsh Nature Center, Torrance  CA

For plant
information sheets on other native plants see:


  1. http://www.livingnaturally.com/ns/DisplayMonograph.asp?StoreID=E32FA6C399AB4C99897032581851D45D&DocID=bottomline-gumweed

  2. http://www.thehealthierlife.co.uk/natural-health-articles/lung-problems/grindelia-camporum-relief-chest-infections-00646/

  3. http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/life-science/nutrition-research/learning-center/plant-profiler/grindelia-squarrosa.html

  4. http://www.herbalremedies.com/grindelia-information.html



welcome your comments (below).  You can
also send your questions to:




Minggu, 08 November 2015

November 2015 Native Plant Sale - CSU Dominguez Hills

The Fall, 2015 CSUDH Native Plant Sale will be held Friday, November 13th and Saturday, November 14th.  The sale features locally native (and some other CA native) plants, including a large selection of plants for rain gardens, ponds and containers.  The plants are grown on campus, and donations support greenhouse and restoration activities in the South Bay.   Reasonable prices - easy parking.


Kamis, 05 November 2015

15 Best false ceiling designs of plasterboard with lighting

largest album for stylish plasterboard ceiling with lighting, plasterboard false ceiling design ideas and pop designs and plaster ceiling excellent opportunity to combine several types of lighting in a single space: Central point (dividing the room into functional areas) and non-intrusive, which creates the right mood lighting.

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Plasterboard ceiling with lighting and false ceiling designs can have several levels (two or more). Each level is equipped with a specific type of illumination. This includes both the recessed downlighters and hanging on.

I suggest to see :
New Plaster ceiling designs and false ceiling design 2016

As seen in the photo plasterboard ceiling and gypsum ceiling , false ceiling designs pictures they allow you to combine multiple light sources in a single space. For example, most often a decorative illumination on a certain perimeter of the room or the ceiling (downlights themselves is not visible). Their function is to highlighting the level of the false ceiling, under which they are embedded. The photo shows that the false ceiling designs and plasterboard ceiling, illuminated so visually become "weightless."

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I suggest this album for you:
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The functional areas (above the bed, table, sofa) use spotlights. For central light sources (chandeliers, pendant lamps, ceiling lamps) on the false ceiling of plasterboard or gypsum can be isolated niche or they are placed on the protruding island elements. To adjust the brightness of the lighting, use fixtures with a dimmer. Color levels of drywall and ceiling lighting itself depends on what mood you want to create in the room. And do not forget about the possibility of including multiple light sources at the same time or separately. Examples of lighting scenarios, see photos plasterboard ceiling and false ceiling placed in this collection.

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How to make awesome ceiling designs in the nursery

Today you can see the best and great ideas on how to make ceiling designs in the nursery, to make best ceiling ideas designs for nursery and kids room, and know all types of nursery ceiling for kids room ceiling decorations

The ceiling , false ceiling, drop ceiling, ceiling designs and other nursery ceiling decoration and ideas is the special part to decorate the ceiling in the nursery or kids room.
I'm sure when you choose one of awesome ceiling designs in nursery, you will get the stylish look for nursery ceiling designs and stylish look for all nursery parts

I suggest to see :
22 Modern false ceiling designs and Plaster ceiling

The nursery ceiling or all false ceiling designs for kids room can give you unique look for the nursery and kids room , so i suggest to choose the fashionable ceiling designs for nursery
So this is not the first album and catalog for nursery ceiling, children ceiling, and kids ceiling designs, but you can see more stunning designs of kids room ceilings.

So I think that you will like the below catalogs

We again appeal to the skin, children's bedroom, in this article, focusing on the most interesting ceiling options and ceiling designs for nursery and kids room. Perhaps someone will say that it is enough to make even the ceiling and traditionally paint it white. In this case, we will try to convince you, clearly demonstrating the successful and the most attractive ways to decorate the nursery ceiling and how to make ceiling designs in the nursery and decorate the top of the child's room.

How to make awesome ceiling designs in the nursery, nursery ceiling designs
How to make awesome ceiling designs in the nursery, nursery ceiling designs

All nursery ceiling types for kids room ceilings:

You should to know all ceiling types for nursery, there are different types of ceilings for nursery ceiling decorations,

1-Painted ceiling in nursery,
2-Striped ceiling paint for kids room,
3-suspended ceiling for nursery,
4-Multilevel plasterboard ceiling designs,
5-Design complex ceiling in nursery,
6-Cassette and coffered ceilings,
7-Fancy ceiling for kids room and nursery

How to make awesome ceiling designs in the nursery, nursery ceiling designs
How to make awesome ceiling designs in the nursery, nursery ceiling designs

Ceiling designs in the nursery:

  • Should consider whether it would be the nursery ceiling designs, after repair, to oppress the child, because the dark and richly decorated, they are valid only in a rather large and high ceiling design in the kids rooms. If you, nevertheless, set out to draw a small children's and kids ceiling designs surface in dark colors, you need to make sure that the rest of the surface (walls, floors) were the best possible light, and pendant lights - bright
Choose the best nursery ceiling designs of the ceiling according to the child's age. suitable for children under 5 years fit funny animated scenes or images of nature; children from 5 to 10 years will be interesting unusual intricate solutions, lined up to the kids ceiling designs. But the older generation (11 -15) to taste will be modern ways of registration with the technical innovations (nursery LED ceiling light, level ceilings for nursery, fiber optic).
  • Carefully choose finishing materials for kids room ceilings. paints shall not contain harmful volatile substances, and ideally be environmentally friendly; wooden elements, preferably specially treated pests etc.

Complex structures lined the false ceiling designs must comply with all the rules of safety and reliability (strong support, the calculation of the maximum weight).
  • Very well when the nursery ceiling designs in the kids room surface is practical and easy to clean , because you never know what to expect from the consequences of fun games.

Even the simplest design of the kids ceiling in the room where the children live, must bear only a positive, clean and good energy.

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