Sabtu, 24 Desember 2016

Happy Holidays

Rabu, 14 Desember 2016

Plant of the Month (December) : Sourberry – Rhus trilobata/ Rhus aromatica

Sourberry (Rhus trilobata/Rhus aromatica) - Mother Nature's Backyard


are germinating, bulbs are emerging, but very few flowers can be found in early
December.   So we were pleasantly
surprised to see our Sourberry (Rhus
trilobata/Rhus aromatica
) coming into bloom, just in time to be our Plant
of the Month.   The scientific name is
pronounced roos  try-lo-BAY-tuh (roos  air-oh-MAT-ih-cuh).

is known by a number of common names including
Three-lobe sumac, Three-leaved
sumac, Basket bush sumac, Oak-leaf sumac, Skunk bush and Lemita. It belongs to
the same genus as our common Lemonadeberry (Rhus
) and Sugar bush (Rhus
).  It’s a ‘cousin’ to the local
Laurel sumac (Malosma laurina) and
Poison oak (Toxicodendron diversilobum).  All are members of the Sumac family (for more
on the Anacardiaceae see: 


Sourberry (Rhus trilobata/Rhus aromatica)


Like many other plants, the taxonomy of this
species is currently being revised. 
Previously, Rhus trilobata was
considered a western N. American species; Rhus
was viewed as a related
eastern species.  It now appears that both
may be the same species (Rhus aromatica),
though much of the western literature – and the nursery trade – still refers to
R. trilobata.  For clarity we’ll use both names, but focus
on the natural history of this plant in the West (which is most relevant to
California gardeners).

Rhus trilobata (aromatica) is native to western North America, from Alberta
and Saskatchewan south to Texas and California – even into Mexico.  It grows in prairies and shrub lands, on a
variety of sites including sandhills, seasonal stream beds, canyons and dry,
rocky slopes.  In S. California, it can
be found in the c
anyons and washes of interior valleys, in coastal sage
scrub, chaparral and southern oak woodland, mostly below 3500 ft. elevation.   It grows in the Santa Monica Mountains and
in the foothills of the San Gabriel Range.

Sourberry (Rhus trilobata/Rhus aromatica) - low-growing form


is a winter-deciduous shrub that varies in growth habit across its Western range.  In some situations it’s a low (2-3 ft. tall)
mounding groundcover (above).  In other places,
it grows as a rounded, upright shrub which may reach heights of 6-8 ft. and
similar spread (see photo below).  In
moist conditions, plants spread by rhizomes, sometimes forming a thicket.  In drier S. California, plants will often
remain as solitary shrubs for many years.  
Plants have a lifespan of perhaps 30-40 years; they grow most rapidly
during their first five years.

Sourberry (Rhus trilobata/Rhus aromatica) - taller form


Sourberry (Rhus trilobata/Rhus aromatica) - foliage


foliage of
Rhus trilobata (aromatica) is
medium-green to blue-green most of the year, turning yellow to orange in fall -
if temperatures are cold enough.  In the
western L.A. Basin, fall leaf color is variable from year to year. Plants lose
their leaves in fall (usually November in our area) and leaf out again in
spring (often as early as February in milder climates).  The plants leaf out quickly, from pre-formed
leaf buds.   Plants often don’t leaf out
until after flowering.

Sourberry (Rhus trilobata/Rhus aromatica) - leaves, young bark


leaves are three-lobed, glossy, leathery, 1 to 1 ½ inches across.  They look somewhat like those of Western
poison oak (
), though not as shiny and a smaller size. For good
pictures comparing the two species see reference 1 (below).  

The young bark of Rhus trilobata (aromatica) is often a
medium red-brown, but may be as light as a pale gray-brown, with pale hairs.  Older bark is gray-brown, mostly smooth and
fissuring with age.  When branches are
broken (or leaves are crushed), they release an aroma that is skunky-smelling
to some (hence the common names ‘Skunk brush’ and ‘Stink-bush’).

The roots of Rhus
trilobata (aromatica)
are well-adapted for climates of the  American Southwest, including California.  Plants have both a deep taproot and a network
of fibrous, shallower roots.  This
combination allows them to make optimal use of intermittent rains, as well as tap
into deep groundwater reserves during dry periods. Because of the deep taproot,
plants resent being moved once established in the ground.

Sourberry (Rhus trilobata/Rhus aromatica) - flower

 buds, flowers



Sourberry (Rhus trilobata/Rhus aromatica) - close-up

 of flowers


Sourberry blooms in early spring (February-April)
in much of S. California, though flowers may appear in winter at lower
elevations.  Plants may be dioecious
(separate male and female plants).  More
commonly, plants contain both unisexual and bisexual flowers on the same
plant.   Male and female flowers are both small (~ ¼ inch
across), with yellow petals. Male flowers cluster along yellow catkins (like a
willow) and are slightly paler in color, while female flowers occur in dense,
brighter clusters at the ends of short branches. Flowers are primarily
bee-pollinated.  We’ll try to update our
close-up pictures of flowers – hopefully with pollinators - soon.


Sourberry (Rhus trilobata/Rhus aromatica) - green fruits


Sourberry (Rhus trilobata/Rhus aromatica) - ripe fruits


Those familiar with the fruits of Lemonadeberry and
Sugar bush will immediately recognize similarities between the three
species.  The fruits are small (about ¼
inch; 5-7 mm), sticky drupes that contain a single seed with a hard seed coat
(a nutlet).  Fruits are initially green,
becoming a dark red when ripe (see above). 
Fruits ripen in late spring/early summer (June/July) at lower elevations
in S. California; they may ripen as late as early fall in colder climates.  The fruits are loved by birds and animals –
including humans!

Like Lemonadeberry, the fruits are covered with a
sticky, sweet-sour secretion that tastes like lemon or lime.  In fact, the most common edible use for the
fruits is to make ‘Rhus-ade’, a lemonade-like drink. Some Native Americans
still grind dried Sourberry fruits and use them as flavoring for puddings, mush
or bread.  In fact, the fruits can be
used as a flavoring or seasoning in more ways than you might think.  For additional ideas for using the fruits


Sourberry (Rhus trilobata/Rhus aromatica) - in garden.

 Mother Nature's Backyard

Sourberry is an undemanding plant.  It tolerates pH from 6.0 to at least 8.0, and
grows fine in soils ranging from very sandy to clay.  If your soils drain very slowly, consider planting
Rhus trilobata (aromatica) on a slope
or atop a small berm (it’s intolerant of standing water).  While it can be found growing in full sun, it
seems to do better in our area in part-shade. 
If you have a hot, inland garden, plant it where it gets some afternoon

Rhus trilobata (aromatica) is very drought tolerant.  However, it looks (and produces) best with
occasional summer water.  Let the soils
dry out between watering, then give the shrub a deep, slow soaking.  In many areas of the West, this plant
experiences occasional summer rains.

Sourberry (Rhus trilobata/Rhus aromatica) - young plant


Sourberry (Rhus trilobata/Rhus aromatica) - mature plant

While Rhus
trilobata (aromatica)
develops a nice natural shape over time, the
best-shaped shrubs are given a yearly pruning to stimulate fullness.  Branches should be pruned back by ¼ to 1/3 of
their length in fall (after leaves fall) or early winter.  This pruning simulates the animal browsing that
shrubs experience in the wild.  Some
individuals are mildly sensitive to chemicals produced by the foliage of plants
in this genus.   We suggest wearing long sleeves and gloves
when pruning (at least until you know you’re not affected).  Wash hands/arms after handling the foliage.

If you desire straight stems for basket-making or
other crafts, you’ll need to cut some or all of the stems back to the ground in
early winter (coppice).   While native traditions involve cutting or
burning an entire stand every few years, we wonder if just cutting back 1/3 of
the oldest stems might not work as well. 
We’ll try this and report back.

Sourberry (Rhus trilobata/Rhus aromatica) - rest stop

 planting, Utah


Sourberry is often used as a large shrub, either
shaped or natural, in garden plantings. It contributes to the woodsy, natural
look that some gardeners prize.  It can
also be used as a hedge plant, remembering that it is winter-deciduous.  It does well on slopes, often getting by with
little supplemental summer water once established. It is widely used for
erosion control on slopes and in riparian areas. And Rhus trilobata (aromatica) is becoming more common in commercial
plantings, due to its drought tolerance and low maintenance.

Sourberry can be grown in a large container – even used
as a bonsai plant.  The lower-growing
forms are useful as a woody groundcover under trees.  The cultivars ‘Autumn Amber’ and ‘Gro-low’, which
are available commercially, grows less than 2 ft. tall, and are popular as groundcovers.

Sourberry (Rhus trilobata/Rhus aromatica) - used as ground

cover. Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, Claremont, CA.


Of the many shrubs planted in S. California gardens,
Rhus trilobata (aromatica) has some
distinct advantages.  First, it is a
great habitat plant.  Its size, many
small flowers, dense foliage and edible fruits make this a good choice for bird
and insect habitat.  If you don’t use the
fruits yourself, don’t worry; plenty of fruit-eating birds will be glad to
remedy the situation.

If you are a basket-maker, planting Rhus trilobata (aromatica) insures a
ready source of the straight stems needed for your craft. [2]  This has always been an important basketry
plant, wherever it grows.  If you need it
for your craft, grow it.

Sourberry, along with the other local Rhus species,
is also a useful plant for the natural dyer. 
Leaves, prunings, ashes and fruits can all be used to mordant yarn or
fabric prior to dyeing.  The plants are
high in tannins, and tan-brown dyes can be obtained from leaves, bark and
roots; pink-tan dyes are possible from the fruits. 


Sourberry (Rhus trilobata/Rhus aromatica) - green foliage

provides nice contrast in the summer/fall garden


Another good reason to grow this plant is its
medicinal properties.  As always,
medicinal plants should be used with caution – particularly those from families
with known toxicities, like the Sumacs. For more on precautions see:

Fruits of Rhus
trilobata (aromatica)
were traditionally sucked or chewed as a treatment
for toothache, mouth sores or as a mouthwash. 
Fruits ease the pain, in part due to their astringent chemicals.  A decoction of the fruits is also
traditionally used for stomach problems, as well as a hair tonic.   

The leaves are astringent, diuretic, emetic and hemostatic;
infusions made from leaves have several traditional uses, including to treat head
colds and soothe skin itches. Dried, powdered leaves have been used to create
soothing salves for mouth sores.  For
more traditional uses of this plant see reference 3, below.

Sourberry (Rhus trilobata/Rhus aromatica)


In summary, Rhus
trilobata (aromatica)
is a shrub with much to recommend it.  We’re surprised is isn’t used more often in
the garden setting.  So if you’ve got the
space – even room for a large pot – you might want to consider this pretty and
useful native.



For plant
information sheets on other native plants see:





  3. Native American
    Ethnobotany Database:



welcome your comments (below).  You can
also send your questions to:




Rabu, 23 November 2016

A Gardener’s Thanksgiving


and praise for winter rains.

reminds us to treasure - whatever Nature can spare.

and praise for emerging seedlings.

one a tiny miracle, hope for the year to come.

and praise for new spring foliage.

spirit needs the fresh green color – our bodies, the sustenance.

and praise for native wildflowers.

beauty quickens the heart; they are truly gifts to gladden the soul.

and praise for warm days of May,

plants to grow, enticing us into the fragrant garden.

and praise for the fogs of June.

bring magic to the garden, providing water for thirsty plants.

and praise for Mother Nature’s pollinators.

hummingbirds to the smallest bees, they safeguard the precious cycle of life.

and praise for the ripening harvest of summer.

fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds - food for all the garden’s creatures
(including us).

and praise for the dry winds of September.

cleanse the garden, ushering in the tranquility of the dormant season.

and praise for the dormant season.

golds and browns rest the eyes, providing a calm background for busy lives.

and praise for the creatures of fall.

migrant birds and countless wee beings, each filling their niche in the life of
the garden. 

and praise for our many human friends.

hard work, suggestions, love and donations - an evolving inspiration throughout
the year.

                                                                                                 Constance M. Vadheim





welcome your comments (below).  You can
also send your questions to:




Selasa, 08 November 2016

Plant of the Month (November) : Clustered (California) Field Sedge – Carex praegracilis

Clustered field sedge (Carex
) - Mother Nature's Backyard

plants are blooming now in Mother Nature’s Backyard.  And those that are have already been featured
as Plants of the Month.  But one of our
favorite ground covers is perking up with the recent rains and cooler
days.  So we’ve chosen Clustered field
sedge (Carex praegracilis) as our
Plant of the Month.  The species name is
pronounced CARE-ex  pre-GRASS-ill-iss.

sedges (genus Carex) are perennial,
grass-like plants that grow in climates ranging from the tropics to the tundra;
sub-Saharan Africa is the only continent with few species.    Most of the several thousand species grow
in boggy, marshy places or near ponds and streams, but some are more drought

are over one hundred and thirty Carex
species native to California, the  vast
majority growing solely or mostly in the Sierra Nevada Mountains or the
mountains of N. California.  However, about
20-25 species are native to Los Angeles County or the S. Channel Islands. [2]   While
most of them grow only in the San Gabriel Mountains, a few can be found in the
lowlands as well.  Carex praegracilis is one of them.


Clustered field sedge (Carex praegracilis) - good example

 of California native sedge


leaves of sedges are long, narrow and grass-like. In fact, many people mistake
sedges for grasses. But sedges are actually close cousins, belonging to a
different family entirely (the Cyperaceae)
and having flowers quite different from those of the grasses. In fact, the
flower stalks of the sedges are triangular in cross section.

old saying 'sedges have edges, rushes are round, grasses have knees that bend
to the ground' helps one remember a key difference between the grass-like plants.
  Most sedges spread by rhizomes (underground
stems), stolons (‘runners’) or roots, forming a lawn-like sod.  Sedges are used in some areas as a substitute
for lawn grasses.

field sedge has a wide geographic range – from mid-western U.S. to the west
coast.  In California, it grows in the
California Floristic Province and desert mountain ranges, from sea level to
about 7000 ft. (2500 m).  It once grew
along the LA River, Ballona Creek and marshes, on Santa Catalina Island and in
the Liebre, Tehachapi and San Gabriel Mountains. [3]  It likely was common, but unrecorded, in many
other moist places in the lowlands of western Los Angeles County.  In S. California, it occurs in/near both
freshwater and alkali wetlands, including those that are only seasonally wet.

Clustered field sedge (Carex praegracilis)


the horticultural trade, Carex
is sometimes confused with (and sold as) Carex pansa, a shorter species native to several areas along
California’s central and northern coast. 
Both are similar in appearance and use in the garden.  But there are important differences between
the two, including size: Carex pansa
is only about 6-8 inches tall, while Carex
is slightly taller.  For
a great discussion of the two species (and how to tell them apart) see
reference 4, below.


Clustered field sedge (Carex praegracilis): fine-textured



field sedge is a perennial with narrow, bright to medium green leaves typical
of sedges. The leaves are slightly more narrow and longer than Carex pansa.   It grows about 1-2 ft. tall and looks
superficially like a fine-bladed grass. 
In fact, the species is commonly used as a grass substitute.  It spreads via stout, dark rhizomes
(underground stems) to form a sod-like mat. 



Clustered field sedge (Carex praegracilis): spreads by

 rhizomes to create a sod-like mat


species is a very useful addition to local gardens.  It tolerates full sun to part-shade.  We’ve found it looks best in part shade, and
even have a nice stand growing north of a 10 ft. wall in Mother Nature’s
Backyard (see below).  Carex praegracilis does fine in most
local soils, from sandy to clay (we’ve grown it in both extremes).  It doesn’t mind the alkali soils found in
some parts of our region.  

Clustered field sedge (Carex praegracilis): in shady

 position with Feltleaf everlasting


field sedge really needs no added fertilizer, though it probably wouldn’t harm
it.  While young plants need regular
water, established plants are quite drought tolerant. Carex praegracilis can get by with infrequent irrigation (deep
watering several times a summer), though plants will go dormant.  To keep established
plants green, water every 2-4 weeks, depending on soil type.  Taper off water in the fall, to give plants a
bit of a rest.

Clustered field sedge (Carex praegracilis): naturally

 dormant under dry conditions


most Carex species, Carex praegracilis is
best started as a purchased plant or as plugs. 
In our experience, Clustered field sedge spreads more slowly than Carex pansa, taking several years to
really establish in western Los Angeles County. 
It may fill in more quickly in wetter regions (or with more irrigation
than we give it).  If used as a lawn substitute,
we suggest planting plugs 8-10 inches apart. 

Carex praegracilis is a cool season, sod-forming sedge,
so it does most of its growth in winter and spring in lowland S.
California.   It blooms in late spring or early summer.  The blooms, on stalks that are somewhat taller
than the leaves, are pale green, fading to tan fruits with white tips. The
flowers and fruits are not particularly noticeable, although characteristic of
the species; we’ll get some photos next year. 
For good photos see reference 5, below.

Clustered field sedge (Carex praegracilis): nice

natural groundcover


field sedge is worth considering when you want the appearance of ‘grass’ in an
easy care, water-wise native.  It’s very
low maintenance; all that’s needed is to cut back to remove the brown foliage
(if any) in late fall.  If it spreads into
areas where it’s not wanted, just pull out the young plantlets.

field sedge makes a good natural lawn substitute, and established plots can
even be mowed (4-6 inches) several times during the growing season. Sedge lawns
can be walked on, though probably not the best choice for heavy use.  The sod grasses are still the best option for
playing fields and other heavy traffic areas.  
But if you just need a water-wise, decorative green ‘lawn’, Carex praegracilis could be a good choice.

Clustered field sedge (Carex praegracilis): low maintenance


like Clustered field sedge left un-mowed, allowing it to form a natural
groundcover under and around trees/shrubs. It is a great natural groundcover
for vegetated (infiltration) swales, and can be mixed with other groundcovers liking
seasonal water.   It does well on slopes and can be very useful
there.  If watered, it can be used as a
fire-resistant buffer plant in fire-prone areas.   You can even grow it in a pot for spot of greenery
on a shady porch.

adaptable and drought-resistant, Carex
may be just the plant you need to create a ‘green oasis’ in
your water-wise garden. It’s locally native, delicate of appearance, yet tough
as nails.  It fills in between plants,
providing needed contrast for other native plants.  We couldn’t garden without it!

Clustered field sedge (Carex praegracilis):  nice addition

 to many gardens



For plant
information sheets on other native plants see:








welcome your comments (below).  You can
also send your questions to: