Sabtu, 14 Oktober 2017

Heat Waves, Shade and Your Health

experienced some dramatic heat waves this summer.  Temperature records continue to be broken,
particularly in the far West.  And heat
is not just uncomfortable, it can actually affect your health.  That’s why it’s time for Western gardeners to
start taking the subject of shade seriously.

The Southern
and Eastern coasts have their hurricanes and floods; the Midwest it’s tornadoes
(and floods).  In the West we have our
droughts, wildfires – and heat.  Each
region experiences extreme weather that can make life miserable, destroy
property and yes, kill.  So, we need to
prepare for extreme weather.

And the
situation isn’t likely to get any better. 
In fact, we can expect to experience weather extremes more often in the
future. We are already seeing these effects of climate change in every part of
the globe, including California.   That’s
why planning for extreme heat is
important for gardeners throughout the West. 
And the time to plan – and act – is NOW.

Native live oaks provide cool, dry shade


natural areas can teach us valuable lessons about surviving heat. Visit a  nature preserve or forest on a hot, dry day to
directly experience the dramatic difference between sunny areas and nearby shade
under trees.  The temperature difference
can be as great as 10-15 degrees Fahrenheit (5.5 to 8.3 degrees C.) between the
two.  The shade beneath trees is often at
least 5 degrees cooler than even the shade produced by man-made structures
(porches; canopies).

is it cooler in the shade beneath trees? There are several processes at
work.  First, the leaves in the tree
canopy capture (and use) some of the energy arriving from the sun. Less of the
energy is released as heat; and the heat is released from many leaves, some of
which are high above the ground.  So less
heat reaches the ground.

A porch provides shady seating.


contrast, most man-made structures reflect some of the energy (particularly if
coated with a reflective coating), but mostly absorb it and release it as
heat.   You can often feel the heat
radiating from a roof or wall on a hot day.  So a shady back porch, while cooler than in
the sun, is less efficient at releasing heat than is a tree. 


Trees provide cooling shade in the Gardena Willows

 Wetland Preserve


second, and more important reason involves a process known as evaporative cooling. On a hot day,
plants release water (water vapor) into the surrounding air.  This increases the humidity around the plant,
cooling the surrounding air on hot, dry days. Think of plants as Mother
Nature’s mist machines – it’s the same principle.   Evaporative cooling is the main reason why you
feel cool when sitting under a tree on a hot day.  Of course evaporative cooling works best when
the air is dry.  On hot humid days, the
effects (alas) are less.

Established trees provide maximum shade and cool.


wisdom of shade trees was well known in past generations.  Native inhabitants took advantage of shady
groves and forests during the hot months of summer and fall.  Early settlers and suburban ‘settlers’
planted shade trees among their first improvements.  Before the era of air conditioning, all
Westerners knew the value of a good shade tree. 
But in some neighborhoods, that wisdom seems to have been lost.

take home message is clear: if you live in an area that experiences hot, dry
conditions you need to invest in large plants, particularly shade trees.  Choose those that are water wise – you have
lots to choose from, and many large trees require less water than you think.
You might get some ideas here:


Blue elderberry provide shady seating.


a tree that gives you something to eat: a citrus tree, another garden fruit
tree or a Blue elderberry or native cherry. 
Or choose a tree/large shrub with other characteristics you like.  A tree can provide food, habitat and beauty
in addition to shade.   Make the most of
your space by choosing wisely.

the tree next winter, when the ground is moist and a tree has the best chance
of getting off to a good start.  Plant it
where it will shade your house or provide shady outdoor seating; in our
hemisphere, shade is to the north and east of trees.  Give your tree some extra water the first 3-4
years after planting.  It needs to grow
and establish a good root system.   

Shade trees help cool a local home.


then, in 4-5 years or perhaps a little more, you will experience the joys of
shade in your own yard.  You’ll be
thankful when you sit outside – or when the electricity goes out during a heat
wave.  You have planned ahead for the
inevitable – more hot days, in pretty much every month of the year, in S.


For further reading



welcome your comments (below).  You can
also send your questions to:

Kamis, 05 Oktober 2017

Plant of the Month (October) : Shrubby Butterweed (Bush Senecio) – Senecio flaccidus var. douglasii

Very young Shrubby butterweed (Senecio flaccidus var. douglasii)

Mother Nature's Garden of Health

early fall and - fortunately for the pollinators - some of the fall-blooming
sunflowers are still in full glory.  We’ve
already featured several of them.  But
one of the more unusual garden species, the Shrubby butterweed, can still be
viewed in our Garden of Health.  The
scientific name is pronounced sen-EE-see-oh
 FLASS-i-dus  DUG-las-ee-eye
.  This plant goes by many common names
including Douglas’ groundsel, Threadleaf senecio, Threadleaf groundsel, Creek groundsel,
Threadleaf ragwort, Douglas’ ragwort, Douglas' shrubby ragwort and Bush senecio.

Senecios, commonly called Ragworts or Groundsels are a mixed bag of plants in
the Sunflower family (Asteraceae).  The genus Senecio
is currently under revision, based on increasing DNA evidence.  It currently contains over a thousand species
worldwide. Some are succulent; others are drought tolerant, but not
succulent.  Some produce chemicals that
are toxic and/or medicinal.  And all have
yellow ‘sunflower’ type flowers.

California, there are currently 19 native Senecio
species, as well as a number of non-native, invasive species. [1]  Of the natives, the vast majority grow in the
Sierra Nevada Range.  But six species are
native to Los Angeles County, with three native to western Los Angeles
County.  Of the local species, California
butterweed (Senecio californica),
Island senecio (S. lyonii) and
especially Senecio flaccidus are the
most common.

fact, Senecio flaccidus has an
interestingly wide geographic range.  The
species is native to Southwestern U.S. and Northwestern Mexico, including Baja
California.  It currently has three named
varieties.  Senecio flaccidus var. flaccidus
is native to the Southwest, including the Four Corners states, TX, OK and KS.  Variety monoensis
is native to the drier mountains and desert washes of Southern and Central
California, including the north side of the San Gabriels.  And Senecio
var. douglasii
(sometimes still known as Senecio douglasii),
which is widespread from the Northern California coast and western Sierra
foothills to the Los Angeles basin and foothills.  The southern extent of its range is Northern
Baja CA, Mexico.

In S.
California, Senecio flaccidus var. douglasii usually grows along creeks and
in seasonal stream beds in Foothill Woodland, Coastal Sage Scrub, Chaparral,
Valley Grassland, Creosote Bush Scrub and Pinyon-Juniper Woodland plant
communities. The soil is well-drained and often rocky.  Plants often get some summer moisture in the

Senecio flaccidus var. douglasii: young plants

butterweed is a short-lived (4-6 years) part-woody sub-shrub that loses its
leaves after blooming (or when drought stressed).   It rarely
grows to more than about 2-4 ft. (less than 1.5 m.) tall and wide.  It creates additional branches each year, ultimately,
becoming a mounded, rather open, shrub.  Our plants, raised from seed, are young and
have only a few branches (photo above). 
For a better idea of mature plants, see references 2 and 3, below. 

Senecio flaccidus var. douglasii: foliage

Senecio flaccidus var. douglasii has blue-green to medium green foliage.  The color becomes almost gray in full sun in
hot locations.  The branches are slender
and wand-like. The leaves are deeply divided into narrow, linear lobes, so the
foliage is very open, giving plants a lacey appearance.  This is the most open of the native bush
sunflowers we grow.  The foliage has
little to no aroma.   Ranchers dislike
this plant because the foliage is toxic, particularly for cows and horses.   The foliage and
seeds are also toxic for humans and pets if eaten
– a consideration
for planting this species.

Senecio flaccidus var. douglasii: flowers at different stages

butterweed is a summer/fall bloomer.  It
can bloom off and on, with available water, from June through October (or even
all year long).  We tend to think of it
as a September-October bloomer in our gardens. 
The flowers are a bright golden yellow, arranged in typical sunflower
heads.  Both the ray and the disk flowers
are yellow in this species.  Like many
Senecios, the number of ray flowers is relatively few (8-14) and there is
usually space between them (see below). 
The flowers are showy and cheery – a welcome sight among the oranges and
browns of the fall buckwheats.

Senecio flaccidus var. douglasii: close-up of flowers

flowers attract a wide range of insects including butterflies, native bees and
other pollinators. We’ve also seen Praying mantis and other carnivorous insects
on this plant.  The seeds are small and
dry, with a fluffy tail.  Seed eating
birds, most notably the finches, eat them in the fall. 

Senecio flaccidus var. douglasii: seed heads


Senecio flaccidus var. douglasii: seeds


Senecio flaccidus var. douglasii grows in full sun or afternoon shade.  It commonly grows in well-drained soils
(sandy or rocky) but ours is doing fine in clay.  This is a very drought tolerant plant, but we
like to give it occasional water, particularly in August and early September, mimicking
the summer monsoons.  We suspect it would
do fine with more water than we give it – and likely flower over a longer
season.  This plant is tough, but it
needs a little water in summer, at least in the dry areas of western L.A.
County.   And it’s easy to grow from seed
(see below).  Plant fresh seed in
fall/early winter, keep well-watered – that’s all there is to it.

Senecio flaccidus var. douglasii: seedlings

species was occasionally used as a medicinal plant.  It is most safely used externally, as a
poultice for achy muscles or for pimples, boils and skin infections.  Do not take this plant internally, and use
externally only occasionally. 
parts of the plant can be toxic to the liver, particularly with
prolonged use
.  For more on the
medical precautions associated with this plant see references 4 and 5, below.

butterweed is little used in conventional gardens, even the water-wise
ones.  The toxicity of the foliage is an
issue; and there are alternative, more benign native sunflowers available.  But the Senecios have a certain look –
somewhat like a golden Coreopsis – that is just what’s needed in some fall
gardens.  The flowers make great cut
flowers and can also be used to make a yellow dye (wash hands after
handling).   In short, we like this native Senecio.

For plant
information sheets on other native plants see:







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