Kamis, 30 Januari 2020

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Senin, 27 Januari 2020

Keeping Food Safe When the Power Goes Out

When the power goes out you hope the power comes back on soon to get back to your normal schedule. Know some tips to keep your food and family safe. When the refrigerator and freezer lose power, the amount of time the power is out and the temperature can allow germs to grow and cause illness.

Cooking or boiling questionable foods will NOT make food safe to eat. Do not risk getting your family sick from spoiled foods. In Maryland, one case of foodborne illness could cost up to $2,591.

Power outage tips to stay safe and reduce food waste

Tip 1. Buy an appliance thermometer.
Tip 2. Keep the doors closed as much as possible to keep foods cold.
Tip 3. Throw out perishable foods when the power outage lasts 4 hours or longer.
Tip 4. A full freezer can hold safe temperature for about 48 hours.
Tip 5. Safely refreeze foods that still have ice crystals.
Tip 6. Safely refreeze foods when the temperature is 40ºF or below.

Remember,  when in doubt (of the food) throw it out!

Sabtu, 25 Januari 2020

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Selasa, 21 Januari 2020

Physical Activity Ideas for the Classroom

Why are brain breaks and physical activity during the school day important? Students need to stop and move their bodies throughout the day, this will help get the oxygen flowing to the brain. Brain breaks lead to students being more focused and productive during the day.

Children should get up every 30-60 minutes during the school day to move around for 5- 10 minutes.

Physical activity/Brain Break Ideas:

  • Use a deck of cards, assign an exercise to each suit and use the numbers on the card to determine the number of time to practice each exercise

  • Stand up and do 3 stretches

  • Have a list of available activities and allow a new student to pick an activity each day

  • 5-minute walking break around the classroom before an exam or quiz

  • Pick an appropriate theme song and allow students to get up and dance for the length of the song

Wellness corners in the classroom: create a different theme in each corner of the classroom

          • one corner of the classroom could be a breathing exercise 

          • one corner could be a coloring corner 

          • one corner could be a short yoga flow 

          • one corner could be meditation

Parents can help increase physical activity in the classroom too!

  • Offer to take the children outside for a midday walk (if possible, have a short lesson outside)

  • Work with the PTA to provide space in the school for recess. Consider wellness walls or wellness hallways or find an empty space in the school to have indoor recess (gym, cafeteria, auditorium, empty hallway)

  • Donate or help raise money for a “bag of fun” indoor activities (jump ropes, balls, fitness DVDs, hula hoops)

  • Let students decide what kind of indoor activity they would like to do.

Try these brain break activities in your classroom today!

Senin, 13 Januari 2020

Creating Meals with 5 Ingredients or Less

Sometimes cooking can feel overwhelming when you’re working with a recipe that lists up to 20 ingredients. Cooking doesn’t have to be so complicated! By using fewer ingredients, you can cut down on prep time and save money. Here are some ideas for preparing meals with 5 ingredients or less:


Many of the things we eat for breakfast already have 5 ingredients or less. For example, smoothies are usually made up of fruit, yogurt/milk, and juice/water. Be creative when making smoothies and use whatever fruit you have on hand. Try our Banana Berry Smoothie recipe as an easy place to start. A yogurt parfait with layers of cut-up fruit, low-fat yogurt, and granola or cereal is another super quick and easy breakfast to prepare. For a savory meal, follow our recipe for Eggs Mexicali and serve in tortillas for yummy breakfast tacos.


Soup and salad are lunch classics for a reason! They are not only satisfying but also require only a few ingredients. Our Carrot and Sweet Potato Soup recipe is great for this time of year. This soup is full of vitamin A and warms the belly! Serve it with a crunchy salad using veggies that might already be in your fridge. Consider cucumbers, radishes, red onion, peppers, spinach, or lettuce, tossed with a light dressing.


If you’d like to try making a snack and don’t want to rely on something processed, consider  some trail mix. Trail mix can be made by mixing together a few ingredients to make a totally unique snack. Our Healthy Trail Mix recipe is a great template to start with.


It might seem like dinner would be the most challenging meal to limit  to just 5 ingredients. However, there is a formula that can help guide you:

    • protein (chicken, beef, fish, beans, tofu) + 

    • vegetable + 

    • whole grain (brown rice, whole wheat tortillas, whole grain pasta) + 

    • flavor (spices, sauces, herbs).

By combining these four food categories, you can easily come up with a tasty dinner. Do you have chicken already? Stir-fry chicken pieces with some sliced carrots and broccoli, and serve it over cooked brown rice. Don’t forget the flavor! Add soy sauce or garlic and ginger when cooking the protein and veggies. You can get very creative with this formula and try it with many cuisines. Another fun idea is to make packets and cook all the ingredients together.  Give this one a try: Chicken, Sweet Potato, and Carrot Packets

Keep it simple, and happy cooking!

Senin, 06 Januari 2020

Spotlight on Cauliflower

The next time you’re in the grocery store, look for cauliflower in the produce section.
Watch this video on how to buy, store and prepare cauliflower.

Recipes for Cauliflower:

Roasted Cauliflower

Cauliflower Salad

Chicken Club Salad

Crunchy Vegetable Burrito

Cauliflower Soup

As the name suggests, cauliflower is actually an edible flower that is formed tightly around each other. It is packed with nutrients and has as much vitamin C as an orange! Also available in  purple, orange or green, cauliflower is a great veggie for snacks and meals. It’s easy to prepare, can be eaten in many different ways, and goes well with almost any seasoning or sauce.

Whole Cauliflower

One of the easiest ways to cook cauliflower is to roast it whole, but it takes a long time to cook in the oven. Roast a whole cauliflower at the same time you roast a chicken or bake meatloaf. It will be ready in about 45 - 60 minutes in a 400 degree oven.

When roasting a cauliflower whole, you will need to wash it a little differently: After you pull off the green leaves, place it in a bowl and cover with water. Swish the cauliflower for 10-20 seconds to release any hidden dirt, then rinse. After washing the cauliflower, pat it dry then rub on a small amount of vegetable oil and sprinkle with your favorite seasonings. If the cauliflower won’t stay upright, trim off the bottom part of the stem.

Cauliflower Florets

The most common way to serve cauliflower is in pieces called florets. Eat florets raw, or steam, boil, or roast them. Small florets can be added to soups, casseroles, pasta, and salads.

Other forms of cauliflower

  • “Steaks” -  Cut a whole cauliflower into thick slices (often called steaks), then cook the cauliflower steaks in a skillet over medium heat with oil and garlic for about 5-10 minutes each side. You can also follow the directions for roasted cauliflower florets, but bake for about 15 minutes on each side.

  • “Rice” - When you chop cauliflower into tiny pieces, you get cauliflower “rice”, which has become a very popular substitute for regular rice. While you could buy it already chopped, you can easily make your own. To make cauliflower rice, put chopped cauliflower in a blender and cover with water. Pulse the blender until the cauliflower pieces are as small as rice, then drain the water off using a fine mesh strainer. Cook the cauliflower rice in a skillet with a bit of oil or sauce.

  • Mashed,  puréed, and more! -  Soft-cooked cauliflower can be mashed like potatoes or even mixed in with mashed potatoes. Blend cauliflower to make soups and sauces creamy without the added fat. You can even find recipes for pizza crusts made with cauliflower!

This week, try something new with cauliflower!