Selasa, 22 April 2014

Take a Child Outdoors for Earth Day

you read this blog, you probably like being out-of-doors.  Chances are, your love of the natural world
began early – when someone took you outside and shared their love of gardens, parks or wild places.  Childhood exposure to nature awakens
something deep – our sense of connection with the earth and its creatures. 

true sense of belonging - to a ecosystem greater than family or neighborhood - begins
when we are young.  So does the feeling
of serenity that many of us experience when out in nature.   Nature completes us, making us whole, centered,
compassionate and more human.

make a pledge this Earth Day: take a child outdoors in the next month.  It can be any child – your child/grandchild,
niece or nephew, student, neighbor or some other child you know.  You don’t have to go far: your garden, a
nearby park or natural area will do.  The
place needn’t be large or fancy; it just needs to be outdoors.

out some interesting plants.  Watch birds
or insects as they go about their day.   Explore
the creatures that live in the soil or fallen leaves.  Watch clouds go by, rain fall or the sun
shine.  Notice the patterns of the land.  Share a sense of wonder – of belonging to
something bigger than ourselves.   Listen
to the sound of the earth singing.

Day reminds us each year to take time for the important things in life.   So, take a child outside for Earth Day.  It’s essential - they are the earth’s future.

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