Minggu, 14 September 2014

Seasons in a Southern California Garden

people, when moving from a colder climate, are convinced that S. California has
no seasons.  Nothing could be further
from the truth.  We do have seasons, but
they are quite unlike those of Connecticut, Iowa or Colorado.   Once
you understand them, you’ll be able to experience them more fully in your own garden.

you garden with California native plants, each season has its own unique joys,
scents, flavors and colors.  Each season
also has a series of appropriate garden activities, closely tied to events that
happen in nature.  Let’s take a trip
through the seasons in several local gardens to see what we mean.

California has a mediterranean climate.  With
other areas on the west coasts at around 40° N and S latitude, we experience
mild, rainy winters and hot dry summers. 
But in fact, our yearly cycle is more subtle.   And it all begins with the cool rains of
late fall/early winter. 

The Wet Season


wet season can begin any time from late October to early December.  Variability in the beginning of the wet
season causes headaches for local gardeners who are tired of the dry season
want to begin planting.  The variability
of California rains is legendary.  Their
timing – and amounts – are hard to predict. 
But the coming of the rains is always a time of great joy.


Our wet
season coincides with the coldest part of the year.   The days are short and sunshine can be weak.   Winter deciduous trees and shrubs lose their

is also the time that our native evergreen foliage can be seen to best
advantage.  The subtle greens, grays,
silvers and whites appear to glow in the muted light.   There’s
something magical about the contrasting foliage colors.  The colors of bark are intensified.

garden at the beginning of the wet season seems flat.  Many of the fall-dormant plants were recently
pruned.   But by the middle of this
season the shrubs are beginning to leaf out. 
They are programmed to do so in the cool, wet weather.

cool season grasses, which only recently were brown and dormant, suddenly grow
with abandon.  Deer and rabbits, if you
have them, can be seen at dawn or dusk.


usually too cold for the most troublesome weeds.  But annual wildflowers sprout as soon as the
soil is reliably moist.  Be sure you
recognize these tiny gems and don’t pull them, mistaking them for weeds.

periods can occur during the wet season. 
These can sometimes be prolonged – 2-4 weeks with hot, dry windy
conditions.   Check your soil; if it’s
dry at a depth of several inches supply some irrigation.


blooming shrubs provide color in the wet season garden.  Lemonadeberry, California Encelia, the currants,
gooseberries and manzanitas are among the most reliable.  Large bees and hummingbirds visit them
regularly at the end of the wet season.


The Growth Season


the days lengthen and temperatures rise, we enter the second season of the year
– the growth season.  The growth season
usually begins in March in local gardens (although it may be earlier in a dry
year).   Available soil moisture, warm
days, plenty of sunshine and an explosion of growth in the garden – that’s the
growth season.

and wildflowers, their seeds spread by dry season winds, are sprouting
everywhere.  Be sure to pull them out
where not wanted.  Spray a little vinegar
on weeds/wildflowers growing between bricks and pavers – it works wonders.


native lupines – annual and perennial – blanket the garden with waves of purple
in a normal year.  Ceanothus species, from trees to low-growing groundcovers, are at their best.   If you
love blue and purple, this is your time of year.


in April have the lush look of spring. 
That’s why so many garden tours occur in April.   Be sure to keep up with weeding – it will
save time later.

All the lush new growth may attract garden pests, such as aphids and other sucking/chewing insect. If you garden with California native plants, the pests are usually not a major problem.  If aphids are rampant, try blasting them off with a stream of water.  If that doesn't work, try a solution of water and insecticidal soap.   One of the real benefits of gardening with native plants is the time and money saved fighting spring insect pests.

and April still produce some rain in a normal year.  If the soil is drying out in early April, don’t
hesitate to provide a good soaking.  Even
drought tolerant natives need moist soil from November/December through April.


late April and May, the soil is drying out and the later spring wildflowers
like Clarkias and Gilias are coming into their own.  Clarkias are sometimes known by their common
name – Farewell-to-spring. Look for early butterflies on Salvias (sages) particularly the Purple and Black Sages (Salvias leucophylla and mellifera).  Among the butterflies you may see are the Mourning Cloak, Western Tiger Swallowtail and Monarch. 

can still get in another deep soaking in late May if you time it with a cool,
overcast period.



The Dry Season


June, local gardens are usually entering into the delightful period known as
the dry season.   The days are long, the fog burns off early,
and the garden is alive with activity. 
This is many local gardeners favorite time.


many years, the Salvias (sages) are finishing their bloom in June-July, just at
the time the early buckwheats are beginning their bloom season.  This period marks the start of the peak
butterfly and pollinator season (June-August).



that get regular water look particularly lush from July to September.  The large evergreen shrubs from the Chaparral,
including Ceanothus, Manzanita, Coffeeberry, Keckiella, wild rose,
Carptenteria, Summer Holly and Toyon have mostly finished blooming and are
sending out new growth.  Choose a cooler
period to prune these shrubs, if needed, after flowering is complete.   This
is also the time to hedge-prune, while shrubs are actively growing.



late currants and Manzanita fruits ripen, to the joy of jelly-makers and
fruit-eating birds.   In August and
September, dragonflies search for prey and rest on convenient stalks.



sunflowers add color and a treat for pollinators.   This is a good time to sit in the shade and
enjoy the garden with a glass of iced tea made from native mints.  Browse through the seed catalogues and order native seeds and bulbs.  Summer is the best time to order, before the supplies are depleted.  For a list of native seed suppliers, see the Seed Sources/Nurseries page. 



the season progresses, the garden takes on a golden brown appearance as grasses
dry and buckwheats go to seed. Take time to enjoy your garden in the late afternoon and early evening. The sunlight filtering through the dried grasses is enchanting.  If you've planted a native Brickelbush [Brickellia species] your late afternoon garden will be perfumed by its sweetly scented flowers. 



The Dormant Season


the end of August to the beginning of the wet season many local native plants
take their season of rest – the dormant season. 
September often is our hottest - and driest - month.


evergreen shrubs show no effects, deciduous trees and shrubs begin to lose
their leaves.   This is not to say that
nothing blooms from August to October. 
In fact, a surprising number of shrubby members of the sunflower family
are at their peak this time of year.  The
same is true for California fuschia, a plant whose welcome flowers bring
hummingbirds like magnets.


the garden is a symphony of browns; a restful blend of colors that is subtle
and soothing. This is a good time to add hardscape features and to take a close look at your garden design.  Are there plants that are not doing well?  Bare spots?   Could your garden attract more birds and butterflies?  Would you like to include more edibles?  Your local native plant society and/or nursery likely has a fall plant sale.  Fall native plant sales are the perfect opportunity to buy plants needed for Wet Season planting. 


the days get cooler, it’s time to prune many local sub-shrubs, some of them
rather drastically.   In nature, these
plants would be eaten down by browsers this time of year.  In the garden, we accomplish the same with


a good time to renew mulch, start plants from seed and prepare the gardening
tools for winter.   Also a great time to
use the fall pruning to dye yarn/fabric, or create a custom-made
potpourri. If you're inspired, look for our 'crafts' postings on this blog.


also a time to sit back, take a rest and enjoy one of the prettiest times of
the year.


now we’re back where we began.  The rain
clouds are building, the days are cool and it’s time for the rains to begin
again.  What a wonderful year in the garden!


We welcome your comments (below). 
You can also send your questions to: mothernaturesbackyard10@gmail.com

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