Sabtu, 04 Juni 2016

California Invasive Species Week – June 4-12, 2016

week is California Invasive Species Action Week (CISAW).  A bit like
Earth Day, the Invasive Species Action Week focuses on an environmental problem
- invasive species.  And like Earth Day, its purpose is to educate
Californians about the problem and inspire us to take individual and
collective action.  You can read more about ASAW at:

Learn about our CISAW activities at:

What can you do to celebrate
Invasive Species Action Week all year long?  Here are a few ideas:

Volunteer for invasive species
removal/restoration projects.
Many local preserves & wild areas have regular
restoration days and would appreciate your help.

Find out which species threaten


Remove invasive plants from your

Select native or non-invasive plants
for your garden
.  - see also the Native
Plant Gallery page
on this blog:

Download the ‘Wicked Weeds’ posters
and post them where appropriate

Use certified “weed-free” hay, seed,
mulch, soil and gravel.

Buy it where you burn it: Don’t spread forest pests by
moving campfire wood from one place to another.

Learn which invaders are in your
local area

Monitor plants and trees for
infestation symptoms

Report a Sighting - have you spotted an
invader? Tell us where! Visit the Department of Fish and Wildlife’s
Invasive Species Program web page (
 to fill out a sighting report!



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