Selasa, 15 Agustus 2017

Habitat Gardening: Dreams and Realistic Expectations

Habitat gardens provide for butterflies and other creatures

gardening is becoming popular in the United States and elsewhere.  There’s something satisfying about planting a
garden that attracts a wide range of birds and other creatures.  Many gardeners dream of a garden filled with
butterflies and birds.  But how realistic
is that dream?  And how long will it take
for a new garden to meet those expectations?

thing gardening teaches us is patience. 
The best garden features – shade trees, large flowering shrubs, nesting
birds – take time.  But you’ll probably
see some changes right away, when you begin to garden for habitat.  For example, a water source and fast-growing flowering
plants begin attracting insects and birds the first year. 

plant gardens change dramatically in the first decade. Here’s what you’ll
likely experience, when you convert your S. California garden from conventional
garden plants to California native habitat species:

The first year: plants are low and small

Year 1

  • Birds and insects will start coming to a water
    source almost right away.  Water is
    scarce, and creatures are skilled at finding it.  Install several water sources to supply
    this critical resource.

  • Any native that flowers will start attracting some
    pollinators.  There may not be very
    many pollinators the first year, but annual wildflowers, perennials and
    flowering shrubs will see some activity the first year.

  • Any plant that produces seeds will attract some
    seed-eating birds (like gold finches and white-crowned sparrows) particularly
    in late summer and fall.  The more
    annual wildflowers, the more seed eaters you’ll see the first year.

Years 2 and 3: sub-shrubs are larger; annuals still play key role.

Year 2 & 3

  • Flowering perennials, shrubs and sub-shrubs become
    larger, producing more blooms.  These
    attract noticeably more insect pollinators and hummingbirds.  We suggest planting annual wildflowers,
    in open spaces around shrubs, to create still more spring-summer
    pollinator food. If desired, begin to photograph and document the insect
    and bird species visiting your garden.

  • As shrubs and trees grow, more use of them as
    perches and cover by birds and small creatures (lizards).  So you’ll see more of the common birds.

  • More summer-fall, seed-eating migratory birds will pass
    through, as food sources increase.  They
    will likely come as small flocks, and won’t stay long.

  • Omnivorous and insect-eating birds occasionally
    visit; same with dragonflies

Years 4 and 5: even larger shrubs are maturing.

Year 4 & 5

  • As perennials and shrubs mature, noticeably greater
    numbers and more species of insect pollinators.  May start seeing some rarer native bees,
    flower flies.  Photograph and
    document these – you may be surprised!

  • Insects, including butterflies and other
    pollinators, begin reproducing in the garden, if larval food sources are available.

  • More pollinator moth species (if dusk- and night-bloom plants present)

  • Dragonflies and damselflies start to reproduce in
    earnest in dragonfly ponds.  You’ll
    see more adults even without a pond, due to increased insects.

  • Increased numbers of insect-eating insects
    (Robberflies; predatory wasps).

  • Insect-eating birds increase noticeably.  Watch for Phoebes, Kingbirds, Swifts,
    Swallows, Flycatchers, Mockingbirds, Bushtits.

  • Established plants provide wild greens and leaves
    for tea or medicinal use (depending on what species you’ve planted).

  • If you have
    hummingbird plants
    regular visits from Anna’s & Allen’s hummingbirds. 

  • Hummingbirds may begin to nest in larger, dense
    shrubs & small trees

  • If trees are large and dense, some common birds
    begin to nest: Northern Mockingbird, House sparrows, House finch.

  • Regular visits from seed-eating finches, other
    migratory seed-eating birds. White-crowned sparrows and Lesser goldfinch
    may become regulars.

  • As leaf mulch and seeds build up, visits from ground
    feeding birds: California towhee, White-crowned sparrow, Doves.

  • Occasional visits from hawks, seeking prey

  • Increased numbers of lizards due to increased
    insects, cover (unless there are cats, which preclude lizards)

  • As fruiting shrubs and trees begin to produce, begin
    to see fruit-eating birds: Northern Mockingbirds, Orioles, song birds in



Years 6 through 10: As garden matures, more creatures nest in the garden.

Year 6-10

  • Greater diversity of insect pollinators as flowering
    plants mature.  Most gardens at this
    stage supply food for literally thousands of individual pollinators.
    Consider adding plants that attract specialist pollinators: mallows,
    Annual sunflower, Malacothrix
    species, Oenothera species.   

  • Greater number of bird species, including those that
    specialize in insects or fruits. 
    You may even see flocks of Cedar waxwings, Bushtits, songbirds in
    fall or winter.

  • Plenty of edible fruits for your family as well (if
    you’ve planted currants & gooseberries, elderberries, strawberries,
    wild rose).

  • More birds nest in large shrubs, woody vines and
    trees; greater diversity of nesting birds, including Bushtits, Northern
    mockingbirds, Orioles and others (depending on the trees).

  • Consider adding seating in areas with good views of
    birds, butterflies.  You can do some
    serious nature observation from this point forward.

  • Regular visits from dragonflies and swallows,
    phoebes, flycatchers.  The increased
    numbers of insects are a magnet.

  • Regular nesting of hummingbirds.  Visits from migratory Rufus hummingbird
    are possible (they are the really feisty, copper-bronze colored guys).

  • More insects, including butterflies and native bees,
    complete life cycle in the garden (depending
    on availability of larval food and nest sites
    ).  Consider providing nest sites for
    ground- and wood-nesting bee species.

Mature garden is a functioning ecosystem.

Year 11 and beyond

  • The garden should be a functioning ecosystem, both
    above- and below-ground.

  • Many species of pollinators visit and complete their
    lives in the garden.  Add seasonal
    flowering plants – or those that attract specialist pollinators – as
    needed.   Don’t forget the shady areas of the
    garden.  Some of the shade-loving
    perennials are great habitat plants.

  • Replace dead plants with new ones that flower and
    produce fruits or seeds. Choose species you like, including some unusual
    ones.  Expect some turnover in
    garden plants – that’s natural. 
    Fill in open spaces with annual wildflowers until new plants get

  • There should be birds in the garden most of the
    time. Birds can be observed conducting all of their usual activities.  The water sources are great places to
    bird-watch, utilized by both the ‘regulars’ and exotic migrants.

  • Natural leaf mulch/duff supports wide range of
    creatures, from insects to salamanders, lizards and others.  Take an opportunity to observe this
    interesting community occasionally. 
    The duff teams with life!

  • Congratulations!  
    You continue to create wonderful habitat for creatures who need it.
     As green space shrinks – and
    climate changes stresses wild areas – garden habitat becomes ever more
    important.  Keep up the good work!

to learn more about habitat gardening?  

We encourage your comments below.  
If you have questions about habitat gardening or other gardening topics
you can e-mail us at :

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