Senin, 03 Februari 2020

Spotlight on Oranges

If you need a little sunshine on a chilly winter day try adding fresh juicy oranges to your snacks or meals! Watch this video on how to buy, store and prepare oranges.

Recipes for Oranges:

Banana Berry Smoothie
Breakfast Fruit Cup
Cinnamon-Orange Glazed Sweet Potatoes
MyPlate Wraps
Sunshine Salad

Oranges are a citrus fruit that people have enjoyed eating for hundreds of years all over the world. We mainly eat sweet Navel and Valencia oranges as well as tiny mandarin oranges which come from tangerines. Navel oranges got their name because the bottom of the orange looks like a bellybutton or navel. In the United States they are grown in California and Florida so, depending on where you live, your oranges may not have far to travel to arrive fresh at your grocery store.

Oranges make wonderful snacks. They do not need to be refrigerated and the thick peel means you can put them directly into your bag or backpack to take them with you. Fresh orange slices add delicious tangy flavor to salads and side dishes. And you can add them to smoothies with other fruits.

Ideas for Serving Oranges

  • Slice oranges into wedges for a quick, healthy snack.

  • Keep a bowl on the kitchen table or counter stocked with fresh oranges. When fruit is readily available it is easier to choose them as a snack instead of opening the cupboards and picking something less healthy.

  • Make a fruit salad with fresh fruits like strawberries, blueberries, and grapes then add canned mandarin oranges and pineapple chunks.

  • Perk up your salad at lunch or dinner by adding peeled orange segments or canned mandarin orange slices. Add some crunch with walnuts or pecans, sprinkle with crumbled cheese and drizzle on your favorite dressing.

Orange Juice is Delicious Too!

  • Make your own juice! Nothing tastes better than freshly squeezed orange juice in the morning. When you make your own, you can be sure there are no added preservatives or sweeteners.

  • Try a fruit spritzer. Add 100% orange juice to sparkling water for a refreshing alternative to soda. Kids love this!

  • Freeze 100% orange juice in a small paper cup with a popsicle stick or spoon in it. Take it out of the freezer, peel off the paper cup and you have a mini popsicle!

Tips for Buying Oranges

  • Look for firm oranges that feel heavy for their size.

  • The skin, or peel, should be shiny with a bright orange color. If there are a couple of marks or green spots that is okay.

  • If you want an orange with a lot of juice, pick one with a thinner skin.

  • Oranges can be kept at room temperature or stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.

  • Do not select fruits with bruised, discolored or wrinkled skin.

Washing Fresh Oranges
Oranges should be washed before peeling or cutting.  Rub the surface, rinse with running water and dry with a paper towel.

Wondering if your kids might not like the taste of oranges? Not to worry! After chocolate and vanilla, orange is the world’s favorite flavor. So pick up some fresh oranges and add them to your menu this week.

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