Jumat, 17 Juli 2020

When Do Fruits and Vegetables Go Bad?

During summer, we see more local fruits and vegetables ripe for eating! However, many households may be shopping less frequently, and storing fresh produce longer. Plus with warmer temperatures during the summer, these are some factors that allow for food to spoil faster-think slimy greens, soft spots, smelly, and maybe even mold. 

However, the germs that spoil foods such as fruits and vegetables are different from the germs that can cause foodborne illness. But, following safe food handling practices can help reduce food from spoiling faster, as well as keep our food safe! 

How do I keep foods from going bad?

  1. Visit the website “Eat or Toss” that gives science-based information about whether you should eat or toss weird spots or holes you might find in your fruit or vegetable. You can even submit your own photo and question too!
  2. Download a free app to have reliable information fast!
  3. Learn and understand what food packaging dates mean. The ONLY date you DO want to use the food by is infant formula. All other packaging dates are for quality and not safety.
  4. Keep an appliance thermometer in your refrigerator, because refrigerators at 32ยบ-40°F, will slow growth of most germs.
  5. Wash your produce (with water only) right before you cook or eat it raw. Why? Because prewashing produce can give microorganisms the water they need to grow.
  6. Clean your refrigerator and other containers you use to store produce in.
  7. Freeze food to use later. Freezing is easy and quick. Use packing material that is specific for freezing foods. Remove as much air as possible and remember to label the package with the food contents and date.
Other factors that can cause food spoil faster are:

  • Microorganisms (germs)-Spoilage germs are different than germs that cause foodborne illness.
  • Enzymes-Naturally found in food, and will cause foods to ripen, such as bananas going from green (unripe), to yellow (ripe), to brown (overripe).
  • Air-Can cause oxidation, a natural chemical process that can cause changes in food, making it less appetizing
  • Light-Can cause color and vitamin loss.
  • Pests (insect, rodents, parasites, etc.)-Damage food to spoil faster
  • Physical damage-Bruises and cracks can cause food to spoil faster
  • Temperature-All germs can grow faster in warmer temperatures
  • Time-Allows germs to grow, and allows for other natural processes to ripen and spoil produce.

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