Sabtu, 12 Juni 2021

Woodcarving wall art - "One face of nature"


Tools and materials I propose:


Wood turning tools set


Chuck kit

Tormek T8 Sharpening System

Tormek Woodturner’s Kit

No4 hand plane

Mineral oil

Speed square

Circular saw

Trim router

Cabinet Scraper set

Flexcut starter carving set

PFEIL Carving Set

In this video I carve a drawing I had in my mind on a piece of basswood. Before carving I turned the disc on the lathe. It's diameter is about 24cm.

I begun by preparing my blank for the lathe. I cut the basic circle on the band saw. 24mm is the maximum diameter my little lathe can handle. 

I turned my piece true between centres and I created the tenon for my chuck. 

I kept it on the chuck so I could easier clamp it on my vise.  

I removed most of the material with my trim router. Basically it’s a three level carving. 

I then used my traditional wood carving tools to carve my design. 

I then cleaned the tenon on the back and finished the piece with mineral oil. 

And that was it. I am really happy with the way it came out. But that was it. See you soon with a new project video. 

Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning, that at no cost to you, I get a small commission if you click through and make a purchase.

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