Senin, 19 Juli 2021


Best friend,

My name is Mrs. Patricia Gunnarsson from Ireland, married to Late Engr George Gunnarsson {PhD}, who worked for 19 years at Tullow Oil plc, a multinational oil and gas exploration company in London, before he died on August 25, 2013. We were married 24 years without a child. My husband died after a short illness, which lasted only four days. When my late husband was still alive, he deposited $ 3,200,000 on his offshore account at Cahoot Bank London, UK. and this fund is currently at the bank, waiting for the day on which I will use it.

Even before my marriage, I was a lung cancer patient and recently my doctor told me that I would not live longer than the next month as my lung cancer is now worse. What bothers me most is my stroke. After knowing my condition, I decided to look for a sincere person to donate the fund to a church or better to motherless orphanages.

I'm contacting you because I want a church or an individual to use this money to fund churches, orphanages, and widows to ensure that God's will is maintained. I made this decision because I have no child who will inherit this money.I can no longer rely on the family of my deceased husband because they will never use the money as God pleases. Instead, they use the money for their personal needs, and I do not want that to happen.

In this regard, I sincerely ask for your support in this humanitarian work for Christ. I would like the bank to transfer this fund to your bank account so that you use 60% of the fund to help the following people: 1. The motherless babies, 2, churches. 3, widows. 4, disable people. And then use the remaining 40% of the fund for you and your family. If you accept this humanitarian work, you must promise me that you would not disappoint me if the amount is transferred to your bank account in your country. In addition, you assure me that you use the 60% of the money for the stated purpose

If you are interested in this work of God, please respond, so that I can tell you all details about the bank and how the money will be transferred to your bank account for this purpose.

For more information please contact me via my private email:

Yours sincerely,

Mrs. Patricia

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