Senin, 06 Agustus 2018

Fun Summer Foods

Summer is ripe with delicious food. It is the perfect time to try new recipes with your kids.
Here are some ideas for fun summer foods to try.

Visit the farmers’ market

Take a field trip to the farmers’ market this summer! Explore a farmer’s fruits and vegetables.
 Look for different colors, textures and flavors. If you aren’t sure how to prepare a fruit or vegetable,
ask the farmer how they suggest. You could discover a new family meal favorite. Many farmers’ markets
also have activities and entertainment for kids, such as story time, dancing, or hands-on garden learning.
Go to the market for the fresh, seasonal produce and stay for the fun events.

Cool down with fruit

Fruit is full of flavor and water, making it a great summer snack. Besides eating fruit whole,
you and your child can make a fun summer treat with fruit. Try some watermelon in a
Cool Melon Slushie, or add berries and peaches to 100% juice and freeze for
homemade popsicles. Have your child pick out which fruits they want to try in these recipes!

Try a new recipe together

While your child may not have any homework to do after school, that doesn’t mean you can’t learn something new together! Try a new recipe that your child can help prepare. Sunshine Salad will brighten your family’s lunch or dinner. Your kids will love the different colors on their plate. Have your child wash the produce, tear the lettuce, measure and pour, or sprinkle the toppings.

Sunshine Salad will be a crowd pleaser that’s chock full of yummy summer produce.

For more fun summer recipe ideas, visit the Eat Smart, Be Fit website.

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