Senin, 13 Agustus 2018

Summer Fruit Recipes

Summertime is one of the best times for
fresh-local fruit! Berries, peaches, melons, and more are growing now in
Maryland, and are available to buy at your local farmers market or grocery
store. All fruits, once washed and maybe cut up, make great snacks, but what
else can be done with them? Keep reading for some yummy recipes and ways to get
your kids involved in the cooking.


  • Banana-Blueberry Baked Oatmeal is a
    hearty breakfast, perfect to have before a day of outdoor activities. Have
    your kids help by measuring out the ingredients or slicing the banana with
    a butter knife.

  • Looking for a cool drink to make after a hot day? A Cool Melon Slushie or Banana Berry Smoothie are both good
    options filled with fruit. A blender is needed which should only be
    operated by adults. While blender is off, kids could measure and add
    ingredients to the blender.

  • Fruit can go great with more savory recipes too! Mix up
    the classic fruit salad by adding jicama and chili
    powder. Kids can help to stir it all together. Summer Stuffed Tomatoes is an
    impressive-looking dish that actually uses peaches in it. Lastly, Watermelon and Tomato Salad and Peach Salsa are both surprisingly crowd
    pleasing. These would all be great for summer potlucks.

  • We can’t forget dessert! The Berry Good Pizza is a very hands-on
    recipes for kids, as they can spread apple butter on the crust and place
    the fruit on top of the pizza however they like. It’s also pretty tasty
    for adults.

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