Jumat, 29 Maret 2019

Borage, Ginger and Geraniums Make A Garden Great

Have you grown Borage? The Spice It Up segment will tell you how to use it. Growing ginger is easy in vegetable heroes, Modern garden styles in Design Elements old fashioned Geraniums in the Talking Flower segment.


Borage: Borago officinalis
Summer’s over but some plants keep going to mid-winter.
Regarded as a herb, this next plant is not available in the herb and spice section of your supermarket.
You can find it in the herb section of some garden centres possibly.
Borage leaves and flowers: photo M Cannon
Perhaps you’ve grown it for the bright blue flowers and not really taken much notice of how else you can use this herb.
Let’s find out.
I'm talking with Ian Hemphill

Borage leaves are rather hairy and don't look appetising at all.
You may have never wondered about using the leaves in cooking before.
But now you know to eat the leaves of Borage. 
Just chop them finely into soups and sauces. 
Make a Borage and Potato soup
Ian recalls a soup his mother made that had potatoes, cauliflower and finely chopped Borage leaves.
  • Saute' a big handful of young finely chopped borage leaves in butter, add 500ml of light chicken stock and a peeled, chopped potato. Cook until potato is soft, then use a stick blender to blend until smooth. Adjust seasoning and serve with borage flowers.
Just delicious served cold on hot days.
  • Another tip is to freeze borage flowers in ice cubes. 
Then when served in drinks you have the beautiful and sweet borage flower any time you want.
Growing Borage:
The best time to sow though in many districts is Spring because it’s best planted at soil temperatures between 10°C and 25°C. 
The seeds germinate easily and once in your garden, will happily self sow.
But it's nor really weedy because the seedlings that emerge are quite soft and easy to pull out.
Borage seeds are also loved by chickens.
If you’ve never grown Borage before, now’s the time to start.
Not suitable for indoors but possibly OK in large pots as it’s a tall plant.
If you have any questions either for me or for Ian, drop us a line to realworldgardener@gmail.com or write in to 2RRR PO Box 644 Gladesville NSW 1675


Ginger! Zingiber officianale
FAMILY: Zingiberaceae along with Turmeric and cardamom.
Have you ever wondered about growing edible ginger?
Ginger rhizome
For years I’ve wondered about growing the real deal ginger.
Of all the times I’ve bought the nobbly brown root, it’s never sprouted until now.
Probably because now I’ve bought organic ginger that’s not sprayed with stuff to prevent it from sprouting-some sort of growth retardant usually.
Now I’ve got two bits sprouting!
Before those of you in cooler climates get put off, I daresay, my own climate zone is a bit out of its range, but I’m growing it in a pot and so can you.
Indoors if we have to.
For those of you who don’t have a piece of sprouting ginger, mail order garden catalogues supply pieces of ginger that are sprouting between July and September usually. I’ll put links on my website and facebook. www.greenharvest.com.au
  • Ginger root is actually a rhizome.

Ginger is native to south China, but it was the Arabs who spread it around the globe by carrying rhizomes on their voyages to East Africa to plant at coastal settlements and on Zanzibar.
So what is Ginger? What does it look like already?
It’s a herbaceous perennial which grows annual stems about a meter or 1 ½ m tall with narrow green leaves and insignificant greeny-yellow flowers.
The leaves are much narrower than Canna leaves, and look more like the leaves of bamboo.
They’re also a very dark green.
Zingibar officianaleor ginger is a tropical plant as you’d expect so it doesn’t like frost, waterlogged soil direct sun and high winds.
But if you’ve got a sheltered area, maybe on your back veranda, and rich moist soil, or some good stuff potting mix, you can get by growing ginger.
If you’ve also got warmer weather and high humidity you definitely can grow ginger.
From reading garden forums on the web, ginger does well in the ground in temperate climates as well.
For most of us, growing ginger will mean growing it in pots.
  • If you’ve only got one sprouting rhizome, put it into a 20cm pot, if you have 3 put them in together into a large 35cm pot.

You can also add one part of good compost to two parts potting mix, and that’s going to add some nutrients as well.
For those gardens with tropical or sub-tropical climates you can put that piece of sprouting ginger straight into the garden after you dug in a spadeful of compost. 
That should be good enough.
Put in your piece of ginger about 5cm below the soil surface.

Remember, filtered sunlight not direct sun for the position.
For cooler climates, your ginger plant can take full sun because it won’t be as intense for the most part as in the tropics.
Near a north facing wall is ideal so the plant can get reflected heat.
If it gets too hot in summer, move the pot into semi-shade if you can.
Also, for cooler districts, move it inside at the first signs of cold weather and don’t water it too much.

  • The best planting time is late winter/early spring, but if you’ve got a piece sprouting now, don’t waste an opportunity to garden, put it in anyway.
  • Ginger grows quite slowly and doesn’t mind being a little bit root bound if it’s in a pot.
A good thing about Ginger is that it won’t overtake your garden, because, it’s slow growing and after all, you’re going to be digging it up every year to harvest the rhizomes for your cooking.
Drying out will most likely set the plant back quite a bit, and even cark it so in hot weather keep up the water supply.

  • To supply humidity for arid climates, you’ll have to get out there with the spray bottle and spray it when you think of it, hopefully every day.
For those growing ginger in the ground, add plenty of mulch to keep the ground moist.
Ginger growing in pots will need fortnight feeds of liquid fertiliser if you haven’t added any controlled release or organic slow release fertilisers to the mix before planting.
Now the most important question, when can you dig it up?
All books will say the best time to dig up your ginger plant is when all the long green leaves have died down, 8 – 10 months after you’ve planted it.
This is easy if you’ve been growing it in a pot, because you can tip the whole thing over and just pull it out.

  • For areas where ginger growing is out of its range, you might be best to leave it for a couple of years for the rhizome to build up in size before tipping it out.

Break up the rhizomes into smaller useable pieces and either store it in the freezer, or my tip is, put the pieces into some Chinese cooking wine or sherry in a resealable jar and place it in the fridge.
Doing it this way keeps it fresh for quite a few months.

Don’t forget to replant some rhizomes for your next years’ crop of ginger if you’ve been successful that is.
Why is Ginger Good for You?
Ginger is said to stimulate gastric juices, and provide warming and soothing effects for colds and coughs.
Ginger is an excellent natural remedy for nausea, motion sickness, morning sickness and general stomach upset due to its carminative effect that helps break up and expel intestinal gas.
Ginger tea has been recommended to alleviate nausea in chemotherapy patients mainly because its natural properties don’t interact in a negative way with other medications.
Ginger is a very good source of nutrients and essential vitamins.
It is also a good source of minerals, such as potassium, magnesium and copper.
Ginger also has Calcium Carbohydrate  Dietary Fibre  Iron Magnesium and Manganese, but wait there’s more.
Potassium Protein Selenium Sodium Vitamin C, E and B6
Many thanks to the tropical permaculture group for providing some of the growing information.


The Modern Garden Style
Modern garden style is not a new phenomena and is in fact nearly a hundred years old.
The word ‘modern’ gives us the wrong idea because modern is used to describe something that’s recent.
Perhaps the landscapers association or group should consider changing the style that it represents.
Any ideas?

Let’s find out what this style has to offer.

Perhaps you’ve inherited a modern garden with wide concrete paths and river pebbles in the garden beds.
Most likely though the modern house of post world war II is becoming a thing of the past.
Still the principles of the modern garden are useful, sticking to primary colours and architectural plants. 
In the photo Cycads provide the architectural plants and kangaroo paws add the primary colours.
If you have any questions either for me Danielle why not write in to realworldgardener@gmail.com


Geraniums: Pelargonium hybrids

Common geraniums belong to the genus Pelargonium(280 spp), while true geraniums belong to the genus Geranium. (422 species).
Family Geraniaceae.
The name geranium comes from a Greek work geranos, which basically means crane.
True Geraniums are called Cranesbills because of the shape of the fruit capsule?
Most geraniums are native to southern Africa, but some species originated in Australia, New Zealand and the Middle East

While both genera were originally classified as geraniums, in 1789 the two genus were separated.
These types of Geraniums are really Pelargoniums
Confused? The common name geranium is used to describe Pelargoniums and Geraniums.
Geranium flowers have five very similar petals, and are thus radially symmetrical (actinomorphic), whereas Pelargonium flowers have two upper petals which are different from the three lower petals, so the flowers have a single plane of symmetry.

When we think of Geraniums, window boxes, and potted gardens comes first to mind.
I'm talking with Mercedes Sarmini from www.flowersbymercedes.com.au

Recording live during the broadcast of Real World Gardener radio show on 2RRR 88.5 fm Wednesdays at 5pm.

Senin, 25 Maret 2019

Enjoy Cabbage for Breakfast

Have you ever considered having cabbage for breakfast?  It is probably not on your list of favorite breakfast foods. However, cabbage is a versatile vegetable that can be easily included in any diet.  Available at the grocery store and farmers’ markets year-round, don’t be afraid to add this tasty and inexpensive food to any meal including breakfast!

Cabbage is a low-calorie food rich in vitamins and minerals. It is an excellent source of Vitamins A, C, and K. This vegetable also contains valuable amounts of fiber needed for a healthy digestive system.  Cabbage is often talked about as a super-food because of its many health benefits. Eating cabbage for breakfast is a nutritious way to get the day started.

Begin by using cabbage in simple breakfast recipes, as “Cabbage and Eggs”. This vegetable goes well with eggs in any form. Follow an easy stir-fry recipe, Cabbage Stir-Fry, or use your favorite cabbage and vegetable combination. Add 1 or 2 beaten eggs to the cooked vegetables. Stir your eggs with the vegetables until the eggs are firm. Add flavorings as garlic, dill, or soy sauce that pair well with both eggs and cabbage for a tasty breakfast dish.

“Eggs and Cabbage Hash” can be easily made by cooking ½ head of shredded cabbage or a favorite cabbage/vegetable combination with a little oil in an oven safe skillet. When your vegetable mixture is soft, make little nests in the top of the mixture. Crack and add 4 eggs to the nests. Put your skillet in the oven and bake until eggs are firmly cooked. Season lightly with salt and pepper.

Try an easy “Cabbage Breakfast Burrito”. Remove the large beautiful outer leaves from a head of cabbage, wash and cook them in boiling water for 3-5 minutes. Remove them and fill with cooked scrambled eggs, onions, tomatoes, avocado, cheese or other favorite fillings. Fold the sides of the leaves in first, then roll them up like a burrito. Enjoy!

Cabbage can also be an ingredient in “Breakfast Smoothies” made with berries and fruit juices. Try substituting this vegetable for other greens in your recipes.

Enjoy cabbage in many ways. Visit https://www.eatsmart.umd.edu/recipes/vegetables for more recipes.

Jumat, 22 Maret 2019

Cucumber Family, Possums, Federation Gardens and Hypericum

We’re focusing on fungal diseases that lurk in the veggie patch in Plant Doctor, are there solutions for deterring possums in vegetable heroes, a new series on garden styles in Design Elements and today is what makes the Federation style and what is Hypericum in the Talking Flower segment.


Fungal Problems of Cucurbits: Cucumbers, Zucchini, Squash, Pumpkin, Watermelons and Rockmelons.
You might think that it’s only hot and humid weather that brings out this particular fungus to the fore.
But no, not only is this fungal problem not host specific, but it can blight your plants, both edible and ornamental during a wide temperature range.
Why is that? You might ask.
Powdery Mildew on Cucumber Leaves
Let’s find out
I'm talking with Steve Falcioni from www.ecoorganicgarden.com.au

Powdery mildew is the main fungal disease affecting cucurbits. It looks like a white coating over the leaves and stems of the plants.
Powdery mildew has an effective temperature range of 10 – 30 C and can attack just about everything in the vegetable garden as well as your annual flowers or perennials such as Dahlias. 
Preventative spraying is best if you have it year after year especially as spores can germinate in some districts all year round.
There’s plenty of preventative treatments, some homemade, others commercial. 
  • Full cream milk works best in sunny weather. Bi-carbonate of soda works reasonably well.
  • Sulphur can be used but it will burn the plants on hot days and also kill off any beneficial insects.
The best solution is Potassium bi-carbonate which is sold as eco-fungicide.
 Under a microscope, potassium bi-carbonate affectively kills off the fungus in 5 minutes.
  • You may find that rotating your choice of treatment gives you the best results with this fungal problem.
If you have any questions either for me or for Steve, drop us a line to realworldgardener@gmail.com or write in to 2RRR PO Box 644 Gladesville NSW 1675


Possum Deterrents

This weeks it’s “Is that a possum eating my plants?”
I thought this segment could be about what people thought worked in their garden to deter possums.
Are you plagued with larger critters making a meal out of your vegetable garden, roses, ornamental shrubs, the list is endless?

  • Perhaps you’ve tried hanging some blood and bone in old stockings around your plant in the belief that possums hate the smell?
  • Maybe you tried mothballs instead of the blood and bone.
Ringtail Possum
Colleen says “ The most effective thing I did find was mothballs, I made up little bags out of netting and put five in each then pinned them everywhere.”

  • What about sensor spotlights? Did you try that?
Gardens don’t even have to be big because courtyards aren’t immune either, especially if you’re growing strawberry plants, and other delicious veggies.
Some suggest decoy plants, and then there’s the ultimate netted off area.
One listener writes,

  • I have battled with possums eating our eight ornamental grape vines that cover our pergolas the last two years.
  • Since our last dog passed away. I have tried everything, and I mean everything.
  • Some things work for a couple of days, some not at all.
  • I have now completely netted them in the hope that they will be able to stand a fighting chance of getting some leaves this year.
  • The possums are not interested in the leaves once they are older only when they are new shoots.
  • My question is though are there any really prolific vines, suitable to grow on a sturdy fence that possums absolutely love.
  • I have decided that possibly the best thing to do is plant something that would entice them to not even come near the house.
  • I have three of our forty acres fenced and gardened, so could put it a fair distance away from the house.
I know snail vines grow crazy, but I don’t know if possums like them. Not Really
My husband wouldn’t allow wisteria, we have had a really bad experience with one in the past.
I am located around Moruya south coast NSW, we can get a few pretty harsh frosts in winter, had a couple of -3 this year but I could plant in a fairly protected area also.
Banksia roses are a good suggestion here.
Plastic Rings
The best suggestion was to instead have big plastic rings/“tubes” around the legs on the pergola and the vine verticals so they can’t climb up.
It’s the only thing that has allowed some leaves to grow on the vine.
 Has to be incredibly tight though. 
If there's a little gap  would squeeze through.
Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney use this method to protect their trees that resident possums like to eat the leaves of.

  • We tried supersonic antipest devices. Absolutely no effect.
  • There are sprays which claim they keep the possums off, that work for a few days but as soon as there’s rain or dew, they have to be re-applied.
  • There are those who leave out food.
Denise says she leaves a plate of food out for them. She buys buy cheap fruit an vegs for my lot and a slice of stale biscuits and bread, , they love it and leave my plants alone, they love watermelon but not rockmelon.
She goes on to say “i have 7 coming and going ,never have they eaten any of my plants, they know where i put food out, i never had them not eat what i put out only the rockmelon.
You would think one would out of 7, and some are 3rd generation coming ,
We have possum boxes out also in trees,
Ringtail Possum and Possum Box

They eat my bird seed, chook food and cat food dry if i forget it out on balcony.
Denise always leaves water out also, the ringtails eat the berries on lilly pilly but she hardly sees them they are so quiet.
  • Leaving the best suggestion to last is from Mo in Batemans Bay, she writes
  •  “I want to share with you a fantastic night pest deterrent - mainly possums but it may work also with rats.
  • We tried many other deterrents for 2 years with little to no success.
  • There are so many poor products and they don't live up to the hype.!
  • We've had a serious issue with possums and as we live adjacent to bush, catching them is unrealistic as new families just move right in!
  • I came to the conclusion that the alternating flashing of SOLAR string Christmas lights would probably be very annoying to the lovely little protected critters : as they are nocturnal and shun lights!
  • And to their delight, it IS !
  • They cost nothing to run, being SOLAR!
  • Each string is 20m long. They sell them for around $20.

Charge each solar panel up as directed first before turning on to the combination setting (7 sequences include 'waves, slow-go, chasing/flashing. slow fade, twinkle flash, and steady on')
Great hisses of disapproval from our possum terrorists for a few nights and since, nothing !!
A good 12 weeks later and my roses are growing again and climbers have started to recover.
We tied the lights along the top rails of a fenced off garden designed first to just keep out the wallabies. (Little did we know then about the possums!)
We had landscapers cut 3 terraces into our very steep block at the rear, connected by wide steps.
If fence tops are not applicable to you, solar lights could be strung across tops of stakes, or just through the affected areas of your garden.
Our garden has 100's of roses, and includes an orchard, vegetable and edibles. All are now thriving !
We use LYTWORX LED 8 function solar lights. Rectangular box. Order them in if they are out? Bunnings was our source.

Federation Style Gardens.
Federation architecture is the architectural style in Australia that was mostly seen from around 1890 to 1915.
Most listeners would know that the name refers to the Federation of Australia on 1 January 1901, when the Australian colonies collectively became the Commonwealth of Australia.

Gardens used to be much bigger than they are today and during the evolution of the Federation garden, there were probably more plants available to buy than there are today.
Let’s find out what this style has to offer.
I'm talking with Danielle Collier from Artistic Horticulture.

Federation architecture embraced Australiana themes and of course the verandah.
Features might include stylised images of the waratah, flannel flower or Queensland Firewheel tree.
Popular Federation Garden plants were:
  • Aspidistra Agapanthus, Buxus hedges, Fruit trees, Hellebores, Hydrangeas, Ivy,
  • Palms, Pelargoniums, Quince, Roses, Succulents and cactiWisteria.
  • Gardens also included themes such as succulent, cacti or orchid gardens.
In the garden also there was a change from evergreen to deciduous trees such as jacaranda, flowering plum and peppercorn.
If you have any questions either for me Danielle why not write in to realworldgardener@gmail.com


 Hypericum perforatum: St John's Wort

Hypericum, is derived from a Greek word meaning "over an apparition."
 Did you know that the Anglo-Saxon word "wort" means "medicinal herb." ?

Common St. John's Worts are a creeping rhizome that spread quickly.
Grow to 1 metre high with translucent leaves. Small oil glands are present in leaves, making them appear perforated.,
  • Hypericum berries are used as a filler in cut flower arrangements to add contrast. Be sure to ask for some if they take your fancy.
  • Ms Hypericum is a waterholic because of the woody stem, so make sure the water stays topped up in the vase.
  • Lasts for up to 8 days in the vase.
  • The entire plant, particularly its round black seeds gives off a slight turpentine-like odour.
This flower is often associated with cheerfulness and inspiration. 
Hypericum may also be given to those starting new paths in their life.

I'm talking with florist Mercedes Sarmini from flowers

 Recorded live during broadcast of Real World Gardener on 13th March 2019

Selasa, 19 Maret 2019

How to Start a School Garden

A school garden is a great way to engage students in nutrition, science, math, reading, social studies, and physical education, while teaching social skills and responsibility.  When most people think of a school garden, they may envision something like a small farm on the school property that has fruit trees, a large garden plot, and students working in the garden to nurture and raise pest-free, organic crops that will be consumed in the cafeteria.  Unfortunately, this is not the reality of most school gardens.  In fact, a successful school garden can be as small as a few containers, as long as there is a strong team of dedicated individuals willing to support and utilize the garden. 

Whether you are a parent, teacher, or interested community member that has a vision to start a school garden, it is okay to start small, and let the project expand as the interest and need grow over time.  Before bringing your idea to the school, be sure to consider who will use the garden and how it could be integrated into the school curriculum, so that it will have the greatest possible impact.  Be prepared for your plans to shift to meet the needs of the school and students. 

Most school gardens begin with an interested teacher, a principal, or maybe even a parent.  However, one person cannot manage a sustainable gardening program.  The key to success is a strong gardening team made up of administrators, school maintenance staff, teachers, and volunteers.  Make sure that each member of your team knows their role in the gardening program and establish an open line of communication, so that the entire team is kept up to date. 

The next step in planning a school garden is determining who will use the garden, how it will be used, and where it will be located.  For example, if the garden will be used with Pre-K and Kindergarten, it should be relatively small, at a level that students can reach it, and easy to maintain.  Children of all ages love to watch things grow, so placing a garden in a highly visible location will help to increase awareness and excitement about the garden.  Indoor gardens that use grow lights can be placed in high traffic areas, such as a cafeteria or front entrance.  Container gardens can come with wheels or can be places on stands with wheels, so they can be moved from classroom to classroom, and even outdoors.  This works well if multiple classes will be sharing a garden.  Finally, small raised beds or containers can be planted outdoors.  It is important to make sure that there is access to water and enough sunlight during the day to help the garden grow.  For more information and videos on starting a school garden, visit: https://extension.umd.edu/hgic/topics/youth-gardening 

Senin, 11 Maret 2019

Spring Physical Activities for Kids

It’s important for youth to engage in at least 1 hour of physical activity per day. Here are some ideas to get moving.

Field Day

Field Day is a popular day of activities at school. Have a field day of your own at home! Create one in your backyard, park or community center. Here are some games to play -

  • Jump rope

  • 3-Legged Race

  • Hula Hoop Contest

  • Sack race (Use a pillow case if you don’t have a burlap sack.)

  • Sponge Race: The object of the game is to fill the empty bucket with the most water. Each team will have a set of buckets. One bucket will be empty. One bucket will be filled halfway with water.  Place the buckets about 10- 20 feet across from each other. The first players will place a dry sponge in the water bucket. Then, walk or run to the empty bucket. Wring the water out. The player brings the sponge back to the next player.

Getting to Know You

Look for a list of local outdoor festivals from your school or town. These festivals can have free activities that get you to move more. It is also a nice chance to meet neighbors and local organizations.   Check your local newspaper, online website or social media pages like Facebook to find a festival or event near you!

Change your Scenery

Parks aren’t just for playgrounds and picnics. There are also trails to walk around. Many parks offer activity stations. Use these stations for a new workout. Have a fun competition with other kids! Wheelchair-friendly paths and equipment are available at some parks. Check your local parks and recreation to see for free classes. Yoga, Zumba, and indoor sports can get you moving in bad weather.

Mind Games

Create a scavenger hunt or treasure map. This will exercise the mind and body. It can also help with team-building. These are good options for a rain or shine.

Senin, 04 Maret 2019

Adding Cabbage to Your Meals


 Cabbage has a simple taste, but it can still add some life to your meals! Packed with vitamins and available in white, green, and red color varieties, cabbage is a great veggie to have in a healthy diet. Cabbage is not very expensive and you get a nice bang for your buck - one head of cabbage can easily make two meals! Need some ideas on how to eat cabbage? Check out this list below:

Wrap n’ Roll
Cabbage can be used to make delicious wraps and rolls. Use raw cabbage leaves or boil them for about 2-4 minutes to soften them. Pile beans, brown rice, and a variety of veggies on the cabbage leaf, then roll it up! This makes for a tasty lunch or a hearty snack.

Switch Up Your Salads

Add some extra crunch to your usual salad by tossing in some shredded cabbage. You can also chop your cabbage into larger pieces to use as your salad base. Use purple cabbage in a bright and tasty Rainbow Salad or swap out lettuce for green cabbage in this fruity Sunshine Salad.

Colorful Coleslaw
Coleslaw is a side dish that can add freshness and flavor to any meal. Cut red and green cabbage up into thin slices. Add in some other finely chopped veggies and finish with a low-fat salad dressing. For a unique twist, the usual creamy dressing can be swapped for a vinaigrette. For color and crunch, try this Confetti Apple Slaw recipe (pictures included!).

Stir it Up
Cabbage makes a great base for stir-fry. Add a tablespoon or two of vegetable oil to a frying pan over medium to high heat, add in a head of shredded cabbage and other tasty veggies, then finish with your favorite herbs and spices. This makes for a great side dish by itself or placed on top of brown rice. Try this simple Cabbage Stir-Fry recipe or bring the heat with this Spicy Cabbage and Carrots dish.

Cabbage stays fresh in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks, but can last up to 4 weeks in the freezer. Be sure to wash your cabbage before using!