Sabtu, 28 Agustus 2021

How to make a simple DIY bird door knocker


Tools and materials I propose:

Miter box

Hand saw

Chisel set

Flat file

Spoke shave

Block plane

Belt sander


Spoon carving knives

Cordless drill

Countersink bits


Cordless Impact Driver

Wood turning tools set

In this video I make a simple but fun bird door knocker out of spruce wood. You can make it easily with a few basic tools. 

First of all I made a rough prototype to see if the whole thing worked.

I then cut my lumber to length using a hand saw and a miter box. 

I wanted to remove a little bit of material from the sides and I used my block plane for that. 

Then I designed the bird shape. To cut it you can use a bandsaw, a scroll saw, a fret saw. I used a hand saw and a chisel. I then used the spokeshave, a file and sand paper to refine it. When ever I could, I used the belt sander. 

I then drilled a few necessary holes.

I shaped the sides and all the pieces and then drilled the holes needed. I predrilled pilot holes and screwed the side pieces in place. 

I made a small wooden ball on the lathe but you can buy a ready made one. 

I then used my carving knife to shape the birds back a little bit more. 

After I sanded everything I painted the bird with latex paint. I applied two coats from each colour. 

As an axle I used a nail which I cut to size and epoxied it in place. 

I added the string and my little bird was ready. 

I am really happy with the way it came out. But that was it. See you soon with a new project video. 

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